String Constant to NSString Object

I can get a string generated by an internal method into an NSString object easily enough and use the NSString object easily:

    tell class "NSString" of current application
        set theString to stringWithString_(my get_f_as_alias(thePath) as text)
    end tell
    set theList to theString's componentsSeparatedByString_(":") 

I’ve tried everything I can think of to get a string constant into an NSString object but without success. e.g.:

    tell class "NSString" of current application
        set aString to initWithString_(PathList as text)
    end tell

I get an error message on the console:
+[NSString initWithString:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x7fff70791258

Just use stringWithString_ again.

It must seem odd but stringWithString_ was the first method I tried. It worked in the first example I sent in the posting but didn’t work in the latter. Now it does?!

I’m stuck in the next step of my process “ appending some text to the NSString object. I tried

		tell class "NSString" of current application
			set aString to stringWithString_(":Volumes:")
		end tell
		set aString to my aString's stringByAppendingString_(a reference to anString)

that was a disaster. I tried using the NSMutableString’s appendString_ to no avail:

		tell class "NSMutableString" of current application
			set aString to stringWithString_(":Volumes:")
		end tell
		my aString's appendString_("Twaddle:")

aString was unchanged after this last step. Any ideas?

Change this:

my aString's appendString_("Twaddle:")

to this:

aString's appendString_("Twaddle:")

If you look in the console it will tell you that “aString” is not key-value coding compliant.
This is because you do not have “aString” setup as a property but a local variable.

Thanks Craig. I couldn’t decode that piece of jargon in the console. Now I know.