I’m reading in a text file, parsing it line by line, and then writing it back out in a while loop. If I do a “display dialog” on each line’s string (set x to paragraph i of y) I get ‘normal’ text. After I parse it (set szName to characters w thru z of x as string), I get unicode text.
Any help is much appreciated.
Here’s the relevant code snippet:
set filepath to "<path to file>"
set y to do shell script "cat " & filepath
set x to paragraph i of y
set z to offset of szIPStart in x
set w to offset of szIPEnd in x
set szIP to characters (z + 20) thru w of x as string
A “display dialog szIP” after the above applescript gives me “1 9 8 . 1 6 2 . 1 3 . 5” which is not desirable. Any help in resolving this will be much appreciated.