Studio Projects in Snow Leopard

I’ve got a handful of existing AppleScript Studio projects that I need to maintain till I can switch them over to Obj-C projects. Will I still be able to work with them in Snow Leopard? I thought the answer was “yes”, but when I opened one the other day, things didn’t seem to work correctly. Namely, the “Info” pallet didn’t seem to have the proper abilities anymore.


See the Release notes.

You can use this to enable IB AS support on Snow Leopard.

so, once I do that, I should be able to work with my existing Studio Projects, just like I can today? I just won’t be able to create new ones?

That is what is supposed to happen, but I have not tried it myself.

ok, I think i’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the info! :smiley: I’ll post a reply once i’ve tried it and let you know my results.

I gave this a shot, and so far, when I open the project Interface Builder seems to function like it should now. I was also able to successfully build my AppleScript Studio Application. Thanks for the tip!

You’re welcome and glad it is working for you!