Summ of Strings

Hi Folks,

I am writing to a file a Number (Sent Files/Received Files from Internet Connect) - this works pretty fine - reading is the same - works perfect

set sent_data to read sent_file as string
display dialog sent_data

the number in the file will be shown - everything fine… BUT

when I am trying to summ the sent_data with the received_data I get the following error:

set gesamt to (received_data) + (sent_data)

Can´t make “20” into type number. (-1700)

Can anybody please explain me how to summ two strings?

Thanks for your feedback,


A string is not a number. Imagine trying to do math on a letter. You may need to coerce to an integer or float.

set S to "20"
set R to "33"

set Both to 0 + S + R -- putting 0 first coerces the other two to numbers
--> 53


set N to 22
set M to 33

set T to "" & N & ":" & M --> "22:33"; the leading "" coerces the numbers to text


read chapter 9 in Hanaan Rosenthal’s book ;):wink:

Hi Adam,

do you mean like this:

set received_data to read received_file as string
set sent_data to read sent_file as string
set gesamt to 0 + received_data + sent_data

Thanks for your feedback…


Exactly, assuming that the variables contain numbers as text and nothing else (except a decimal point or minus sign)

set A to "22.3"
set B to "-42"
set C to 0 + A - B --> 64.3

Hi Stefan,

thanks for the hint…

regarding the book it should be possible to calculate integer…

set received_data to read received_file as string
set received_data to received_data as integer
set sent_data to read sent_file as string
set sent_data to sent_data as integer
set gesamt to received_data + sent_data

Error: Can´t make “20” into type integer. (-1700)

Thanks for your help!


Hi Folks,

I found the problem:

received_data is “20” with qoutes - so I have to delete the quotes…

Thanks for your help…


Sorry, this was not the problem… :frowning:

Still searching… :slight_smile:

Best Regards,


Is your string perhaps Unicode text? If so, then read it that way and covert it afterward all in one step

set myNumber to read myFile as Unicode text as number

Hi Adam,

thanks for your hints - this ist the Error Message:

Can’t make "㈰

Hi Adam,

to get the input of the file I set first the variables:

	set sent_file to ((path to me as string) & "Contents:Resources:sent.txt") as file specification
	set received_file to ((path to me as string) & "Contents:Resources:received.txt") as file specification

To Read I use this commands:

set received_data to read received_file as string
set received_data to received_datat as number
display dialog received_data
set sent_data to read sent_file as string
set sent_data to sent_data as number
display dialog sent_data

The Output is received_data: 20, sent_data: 320

When I try to summ it I get an error that is not able to make “20” into type number…

Summ Command:

set gesamt to 0 + (received_data) + (sent_data)

Thanks for your help!



Stefan could be reading utf8. When read as utf16, “20” is “㈰”.

Edited: so you read as utf8:

set f to choose file
set t to read f as «class utf8»
t as integer

Edited: no, this isn’t it. You could still read utf8 and coerce to integer. Disregard.



what will be displayed without coercing to number?

set received_data to read received_file as string -- or as Unicode text display dialog received_data

Hi Folks,

you have to be very strong now - I found the solution:

It´s not the same wheter you write a number by hand in a file or by applescript! Entering
a number by hand into a file will result with an error - writing to a file with your script
will do exactly what you want…

That means, I first write (for testing purposes) a number into a file with applescript and
now the summ function is working as expected…

Thanks to all of you for your help…


That depends on what application you’re writing (by hand) with. Rich Text Format, for example won’t work. The document has to be text. If you write it from AppleScript and retreive it from AppleScript it’ll work because the formats and text encoding of the two are the same, but if you write it in one encoding and try to read it in another, no go.

Hi Adam,

since I am writing the variable as string everthing is working fine - so if someone needs the code I will put it in here:

Setting the File (File is inside the Application (in Resources)

set sent_file to ((path to me as Unicode text) & "Contents:Resources:sent.txt") as file specification
set received_file to ((path to me as Unicode text) & "Contents:Resources:received.txt") as file specification

Writing to File:

		set file_sent to open for access sent_file with write permission
		set eof of sent_file to 0
		write (sent_final as string) to sent_file starting at eof
		close access sent_file

Reading from file

set received_data to read received_file as string
set sent_data to read sent_file as string

Thanks and Best Regards,


Hi Folks,

expect the unexpected! In my application I try to write to file when the application is quitting or when the red button is pressed! The only thing which will be written (alltough I use the same code as before) is “true” to the file…

on will close theObject
	if name of the theObject is "main" then
		if modem_display is "Web'n'walk Box compact" then
			do shell script quoted form of POSIX path of ((path to me as Unicode text) & "Contents:Resources:Web'n'walk Manager") & " disconnect 0"
		else if modem_display is "Web'n'walk Box" then
			do shell script quoted form of POSIX path of ((path to me as Unicode text) & "Contents:Resources:Web'n'walk Manager") & " disconnect 1"
		else if modem_display is "Web'n'walk Card express" then
			do shell script quoted form of POSIX path of ((path to me as Unicode text) & "Contents:Resources:Web'n'walk Manager") & " disconnect 2"
		end if
		-- Hier werden die gesendeten/empfangen Daten geschrieben
		if received_final does not contain "true" then
			set file_received to open for access received_file with write permission
			set eof of received_file to 0
			write (received_final as string) to received_file starting at eof
			close access received_file
		end if
		if sent_final does not contain "true" then
			set file_sent to open for access sent_file with write permission
			set eof of sent_file to 0
			write (sent_final as string) to sent_file starting at eof
			close access sent_file
		end if
	end if
	delay 1
end will close

has anybody a clue how this can be solved?

