I am opening two equal named EPS files from different folders named “LowRes” and “HighRes” in PSD CS2. The only difference between these two files are, that the files out of folder “LowRes” are at 72 dpi resolution and contain at least one “path item”. The files in “HighRes” are identical besides the resolution of 300 dpi and containing no path items.
Now I want to copy every “path item” from document1 (the LowRes) to document2 (the HighRes).
The script stops telling me, that the second document needs to get the focus to be able inserting a path. “Tell document” doesn’t seem to work. How do I make document2 getting the top fore?
How can I copy all path items from document1 to document2?
This is what I got so far:
tell application “Adobe Photoshop CS2”
set DocumentList to name of every document
set LowResDoc to item 1 of DocumentList
set LowResDoc to document LowResDoc
set HighResDoc to item 2 of DocumentList
set HighResDoc to document HighResDoc
tell LowResDoc --(document1 is active and inserting the path "Test" works fine)
if exists path items then
set thepath to name of every path item
set thepath to item 1 of thepath
make new path item at LowResDoc with properties {entire path:{}, name:"Test", kind:normal}
end if
end tell
tell HighResDoc
activate --(document 2 won't get active, Script stops)
if not (exists path items) then
make new path item at HighResDoc with properties {entire path:{}, name:"Test", kind:normal}
end if
end tell
end tell
Thank you a lot for any input in advance.
Model: Powerbook 17"
AppleScript: Script Debugger 3.0.9
Browser: Safari 417.8
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
While Jacques System event scripting is ambitious, it is unneccessary, all you need to do it to tell photoshop to set the current document to the document that you want to address. You could also get rid of a few other lines, this works on my computer with two document open:
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
set DocumentList to every document
set LowResDoc to item 1 of DocumentList
set HighResDoc to item 2 of DocumentList
set current document to LowResDoc
tell LowResDoc --(document1 is active and inserting the path "Test" works fine)
if exists path items then
set thepath to name of every path item
set thepath to item 1 of thepath
make new path item at LowResDoc with properties {entire path:{}, name:"Test", kind:normal}
end if
end tell
set current document to HighResDoc
tell HighResDoc
if not (exists path items) then
make new path item at HighResDoc with properties {entire path:{}, name:"Test", kind:normal}
end if
end tell
end tell
thank you a lot for your input. Works fine with the short version
May I ask for a further suggestion? How do you create a new path in document2 with the identical properties of path1 in document1? Better: is it possible to copy every path item of document1 to document2?
So far, I put the properties of path1 into a variable, but then I can’t make a new path in document2 with its identical properties. The next thing would be to copy multiple path items from first to second document.
tell LowResDoc
if exists path items then
set current to path item 1
set thepath to name of every path item
set thepath to item 1 of thepath
set pathInfo to (get properties of sub path item 1 of path item (thepath))
--following line brings up the error "missing argument"
make new path item at LowResDoc with properties {pathInfo}
end if
end tell
set current document to HighResDoc
tell HighResDoc
if not (exists path items) then
--next line: best would be to say something like: copy/duplicate every path item of LowResDoc to HighResDoc
--make new path item at HighResDoc with properties {entire path:{}, name:"Test", kind:normal}
make new path item at LowResDoc with properties {pathInfo}
end if
end tell
Erden, I have a couple of scripts that deal with transferring data from one file to another in photoshop. The biggest problem that I have encountered so far is with file of the same name script errors not knowing which file is being referenced. Here is a script that will copy and paste all paths from one file to the other it will need some work, for some unknown reason the copy command will copy the path but paste results in nothing yet using system events works fine try it and see if you get the same results? I even tried putting the make clipping path inside a tell block to make it work but with no effect. This errors all the time yet the same command in another script works just as I would expect. I will post this at adobe to see what they think. This script requires that your files have different names for this you could use apples finder script to add prefix to file names then remove it afterwards. Hope this is some sort of help…
set inputFolderA to choose folder -- files with paths
set inputFolderB to choose folder -- files without paths
tell application "Finder"
set filesListA to files in inputFolderA
set countA to count of files in folder inputFolderA
set filesListB to files in inputFolderB
set countB to count of files in folder inputFolderB
if (countA) ≠(countB) then display dialog "You have an uneven amount of pictures!!! check your folders and try again."
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to countA
tell application "Finder"
set theFileA to item i of filesListA as alias
set theFileB to item i of filesListB as alias
end tell
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS"
set display dialogs to never
open theFileA
set docRefA to the current document
tell docRefA
count every path item of docRefA
if exists (path items whose kind is clipping) then
set ClipPath to (name of every path item whose kind is clipping)
end if
end tell
repeat with n from 1 to count of path item of docRefA
select path item n of docRefA
deselect path item n of docRefA
open theFileB
set docRefB to the current document
-- the below paste gives no results
-- the below paste does give results I don't know why
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Adobe Photoshop CS"
tell menu bar 1
click menu item "Paste" of menu "Edit"
end tell
end tell
end tell
deselect path item 1 of docRefB
set the current document to docRefA
delay 1
end repeat
close docRefA without saving
set the current document to docRefB
tell docRefB
save docRefB
-- the below is giving errors yet in a script of it own works fine!!!
set properties of path item ClipPath of docRefB to {kind:clipping}
end tell
close docRefB with saving
end tell
end repeat
thank you for your input. It works fine! All I changed is
a) store the filename of the LowResFile and tell Finder to open the equivalent HighResFile with the same name plus a given prefix e.g. “h_”. Before running this script I rename all files with a tool like “R-Name” or “Renamer4Mac”.
Yet, an if_then_else construct is missing to check if the file does really exist…
b) the “paste” command for the copied pathes didn’t work either, so I stuck to your solution with the system events (translated in German). I found a nice tool called “Pre Fab UI Browser”, perhaps worth for others looking at who have to trigger menu element names)
c) to avoid errors while saving the HighResFile with the pathes, I set the properties of every path item to kind:clipping
Here the code so far…
--Selectable folders at start...
--set inputFolderLowRes to choose folder -- files with paths
--set inputFolderHighRes to choose folder -- files without paths
-- Please locate used folders containing the "LowRes"files with paths and "HighRes" files without paths
-- Amount of files in each folder must match!
set inputFolderLowRes to "Volume_A1:Test_%0:LowRes" as alias
set inputFolderHighRes to "Volume_A1:Test_%0:HighRes" as alias
tell application "Finder"
--get the files to work on
set filesListLowRes to files in inputFolderLowRes
set countLowRes to count of files in folder inputFolderLowRes
set filesListHighRes to files in inputFolderHighRes
set myFilelist to every file of inputFolderHighRes
copy filesListHighRes to arrDateiListe
repeat with i from 1 to length of arrDateiListe
set item i of arrDateiListe to (item i of arrDateiListe as string)
end repeat
--short check wether amount of files in both folders are identical nor empty
set countHighRes to count of files in folder inputFolderHighRes
--if (countLowRes) ≠(countHighRes) then display dialog "You have an uneven amount of pictures!!! check your folders and try again."
if countLowRes = 0 then display dialog "Keine Abbildungen im Ordner LowRes gefunden!!! Ordnerinhalte prüfen und erneut versuchen."
if countHighRes = 0 then display dialog "Keine Abbildungen in Ordner HighRes gefunden!!! Ordnerinhalte prüfen und erneut versuchen."
if (countLowRes) ≠(countHighRes) then display dialog "Ungleiche Anzahl an Abbildungen!!! Ordnerinhalte prüfen und erneut versuchen."
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to countLowRes
tell application "Finder"
set theFileLowRes to item i of filesListLowRes as alias
--set theFileHighRes to item i of filesListHighRes as alias
--store the name of the LowResFile with prefix, to search and open its HighRes equivalent later on
--all HighResFiles must be renamed with a tool according to the chosen prefix before execution
set {theFileHighRes} to {"h_" & (name of (info for theFileLowRes))}
set theFileHighRes to (inputFolderHighRes as string) & theFileHighRes as alias
end tell
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
set display dialogs to never
open theFileLowRes
set docRefLowRes to the current document
tell docRefLowRes
count every path item of docRefLowRes
if exists (path items whose kind is clipping) then
set ClipPath to (name of every path item whose kind is clipping)
end if
end tell
repeat with n from 1 to count of path item of docRefLowRes
select path item n of docRefLowRes
deselect path item n of docRefLowRes
open theFileHighRes
set docRefHighRes to the current document
-- the below paste gives no results
-- paste
-- the below paste does give results I don't know why
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
tell menu bar 1
--click menu item "Paste" of menu "Edit"
click menu item "Einfügen" of menu "Bearbeiten" --German Menu
end tell
end tell
end tell
deselect path item 1 of docRefHighRes
set the current document to docRefLowRes
delay 1
end repeat
close docRefLowRes without saving
set the current document to docRefHighRes
tell docRefHighRes
--save docRefHighRes
-- the below is giving errors yet in a script of it own works fine!!!
--set properties of path item ClipPath of docRefHighRes to {kind:clipping}
--seems to work by setting every path item properties
set properties of every path item of docRefHighRes to {kind:clipping}
end tell
close docRefHighRes with saving
end tell
end repeat
According to the scripting guide for photoshop duplicating of path items is supported yet I can’t get any form of syntax to work just “can’t make clone errors” driving me mad. does anyone have a sample that works. None in the guide just a big blank page thanks adobe.