System events ignores name conventions

I can’t understand why System Events replaces names of running Applescript applications with generic ones…
If we’re looking straight into the Info.plist file inside any As- application, we can see that the string CFBundleName isn’t declared as “Applet” nor “Droplet” but with the right name we used to save our As application.

tell application "System Events"
	set nm to name of processes whose background only is false
end tell

… If you’ve some As- applications running in stay-open mode, you’ll see their name isn’t the name you have chosen but an useless generic name. I’m tired to use parallel lists just to pick out As- applications from the rest of running processes…

Edit: I either don’t like to use, displayed name or titles to get name of processes. (I already talked above about “parallel lists” - and I need the default English names)

Which system are you running ?

I ran your script under 10.13.6 and it returned :

{“Mail”, “fake_mojave”, “uBlock”, “Finder”, “Script Editor”, “Keychain Access”, “firefox”}

fake_mojave is the exact name of a stay-open Applescript application which mimics the evolution of the desktop according to the current time.

So I’m surprised by what you describe.

The only odd behaviours which I see are:
(1) when I ask for title the result is inconsistent:
“Script Editor” remains in English while
“Keychain Access” is translated as “Trousseaux d’accès”
(2) for name, “firefox” is spelled in lowercase while title and displayed name return “Firefox”.

Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 31 janvier 2019 18:41:21

I see, I see… My machine is dated so I’ve to endure this “design”.
Nice to hear that future versions aren’t afflicted anymore. Better than nothing.
Thanks, Yvan. :slight_smile: