System events


I’m playing around a little bit with “System Events”. I try to load a text file into a application which doesn’t support AppleScript. I use the following script

tell application "AdForce 4.2.5b3-D"
	tell Application "AdForce 4.2.5b3-D" to activate
	tell Application "System Events"
		tell process "AdForce 4.2.5b3-D"
			tell menu bar 1
				click menu item "Importieren." of menu "Datei"
			end tell
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

tell application "AdForce 4.2.5b3-D"
	display dialog "Hello World"
end tell

The first part works fine (selection and load of the file) but then the script blocks and reports a timeout error after some time.
Is there a way how I can interrupt the script til the file has benn loaded. It works with delay but this couldn’t be the solution.

Thanks in advance for your help


After importing you may check for a known UI element. Eg, if it shows a progress bar with the progress of importation, you could:

delay 1
	if not (exists window "progress") then exit repeat
	delay 1
end repeat

Or «if exists window “loaded document” then exit repeat», etc.

Hi jj

Thanks a lot - works perfect !!!

Regards, Baschi