tab problem

Hi !

I am going to need your help again :-D! I have a weird problem. If on one computer I select preferences and then the “general” section, I am able to press “tab” and navigate through all the options (“set to current page”, etc…). On another, if I do the same, I am stuck in the homepage text field. Why? I tried many things but could not figure that one out (I would like to key stroke the “save downloaded file” using tab). I of course tried to tick the option “press tab to highlight each item” in the “advanced” section but it did not help… Any idea ?

thanks a lot, again !!!

You don’t mention some important details:

Preferences for what?
OS X version?
PM or Intel?


sorry… so much into it that I forgot the most important ! I am talking of safari, running osx 10.4.8 on a powerpc g4 (not intel unfortunately)! My goal is, using keystrokes, to change the default download folder to for exemple a folder called “tous”. I do that in a very begginers way but it works at least on one computer. On an other, it just does not … I remain stuck in the text field and the tab srokes are ignored …
here is my ugly script … Sorry but I just started applescript 4 days ago …

tell application "Safari"
		delay (4)
		tell application "System Events"
			delay (2)
			keystroke "," using command down
			delay (2)
			keystroke tab
			keystroke tab
			delay (2)
			keystroke (ASCII character 31)
			delay (2)
			keystroke (ASCII character 31)
			delay (2)
			keystroke return
			delay (2)
			keystroke tab
			keystroke space
			delay (2)
			keystroke "t"
			keystroke "o"
			keystroke "u"
			keystroke "s"
			delay (3)
			keystroke return
			delay (2)
			keystroke return
			delay (2)
		end tell
	end tell
	tell application "Safari"
		delay (2)
	end tell
	tell application "Safari"
		delay (4)
	end tell


here is a thread with a similar question

hope it helps

It is perfect !!! thank you so much guys !!!
