Tab view inside Tav view?

Hi Folks,

is it possible to have a tab view inside a tabview?

that means:

set theNumber to contents of text field "sms_nummer" of tab view item "outbox" of tab view "center" of tab view item "SMS" of tab view "tab" of window "main"

In my application I get an NSReceiverEvaluationScriptError: 4 (1) (linking is not working!) - alltough everything is correct named…

Thanks for your help and support!


Tab views within Tab views are not really possible!

It can be done with

tabview item "test" of tab view "test" of view of tab view "test" of window "test"

Best Regards

i am trying to do this also but am receiving an error messgae, anyone else’s advice would be great


using the previous posters code i came up with the following, but when i try to display a dialog with the contents of the variable i get an error (Applescript event handler failed)

here is my code:

		copy content of text field "thinCylname" of tab view item 1 of tab view "tabViewCyl" of view of tab view "tabViewA" of window "main" to testVar2
		display dialog testVar2 attached to window "main"

tab view “tabViewCyl” is inside of tab view “tabViewA”

Edit: It works!

all i had to do was add “as text” to the end of the line:

copy content of text field "thinCylname" of tab view item 1 of tab view "tabViewCyl" of view of tab view "tabViewA" of window "main" to testVar2 as text