table View of some tab view item

I have the tables which are on different tabs, at start I should appropriate it initial values. It receives an error as only one tab is active. I think that it is possible to use parametre “hidden”. But how again to make visible the table?

The objects in a tab view item do not get instantiated (created) until the actual tab view item has become active for the first time, as you have noticed. Therefore the objects in the tab view item that is frontmost at program launch do get created at program launch, but the objects in other tab view items are not created until the tab view item is selected. As such you can’t set values to objects which haven’t even been created yet, so you can’t set the values of all the objects in your application at application launch time.

That’s not a problem though. Connect the objects in your tab view items to the awake from nib handler and initialize their values there. As tab view items are selected, all the objects in that tab view item are created and the awake from nib handler is called… so bottom line is use the awake from nib handler to initialize your object’s values.

I hope that helps.

Then, can be so:

on opened
	set visible of tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm" to false
	repeat with itm in tab view items of tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm"
		set current tab view item of tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm" to itm
	end repeat
	set visible of tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm" to true

tell table view "tableview1" of scroll view "scrollview1" of tab view item "tabButton1" of tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm"
end opened


no work :frowning:

set current tab view item of tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm" to itm


I don’t understand the purpose of the repeat loop.
You can immediately set the current tab view item to the last item

on opened
	tell tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm"
		set visible to false
		set current tab view item to last tab view item
		set visible to true
	end tell
	tell table view "tableview1" of scroll view "scrollview1" of tab view item "tabButton1" of tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm"
	end tell
end opened

Either I’m not understanding your problem or you’re not understanding what I told you, so here’s an example of what I meant. Suppose you have 2 tab view items. In the first tab view item you have a table called “table1” and in the second tab view item you have a table called “table2”. Here’s how I would set their initial values. First I would hook each table up to the “awake from nib” handler, then…

on awake from nib
if name of theObject is “table1” then
tell theObject
– initialize theObject which is table1
end tell
else if name of theObject is “table2” then
tell theObject
– initialize theObject which is table2
end tell
end if

That’s it. The tables will have their initial values set properly as you select your tab view items.

This correct decision of a problem, however it introduces additional complexities: work with table sources at level of a code and work with “table” through GUI are different things and the first when the second is not made yet can be demanded. A permanent job of the output agent in single (on awake from nib), already after initialization too it is not good. All it easily, however click all tabs that all objects would be created simply. If to make it at the invisible table for the user it will be not appreciable, and result will reach.

But for some reason such simple code does not work:

   repeat with itm in tab view items of tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm"
       set current tab view item of tab view "Tabview" of window "BaseForm" to itm
   end repeat

It is necessary that AppleScript would create the objects belonging to another tab view item.

Please, try to make at itself the working example filling the table at least two times!: (

Initial data:
two (tab view item) of (tab view “TestTabPanel” of window “TestWindow”)
one (table view … of scroll view … of LAST tab view item…)


  1. the program Is started, the FIRST is active tab
    2 set current tab view item of … to tab view item LAST of …
  2. on will select tab item started & Does nothing
  3. awake from nib started & set data source of table view … to contents of theDataSource
  4. set current tab view item of … to tab view item FIRST of …
  5. on will select tab item started & Does nothing
  6. set current tab view item of … to tab view item LAST of …

7.5 awake from nib NOT started & Does nothing
7.5 on will select tab item started & Log name of (table view … of) as text – ERROR!!!
Any reference to the table will lead to an error

Please, HELP me!