Tables in Tabs Problem

I am encountering a problem that I, so far, cannot solve. I have a window (“Main”) that has a tab view (“EventTabs”) with 3 tab view items (“EventTab”, “DriverTab” and “RaceTab”). I have 1 table on each of 2 of the tabs. I also have another table in another window (“MDDriverWindow” [of the same nib]). I have connected data sources to the tables in IB. I have connected the window “Main” to the “awake from nib” handler. In this handler I set 3 properties to the 3 data sources. For each data source I create data columns. (The column name properties match those set to the column names in IB.)

When a button is clicked, in the appropriate tab view item, I issue the following code (the code is for 1 of the tables):

set theRow to make new data row at the end of data rows of DriverDS -- DriverDS being the property set to the data source of the table
set the contents of data cell "DDCarNum" of theRow to 1

I encounter no errors when this happens, however, no visible data row is created and no data is displayed. I have verified that the data source IS being updated correctly. I have done this by using Smile and querying my application.

I have worked with tables and data sources on many projects in the past. I have never worked with tables and data sources in tab views however. What am I overlooking? Below is the relevant code:

on awake from nib theObject
	log "awake from nib -- started"
	tell tab view "EventTabs" of theObject
		set DriversDS to the data source of ¬
			table view "DDrivers" of ¬
			scroll view "DDrivers" of ¬
			view of tab view item "DriverTab"
		set CautionsDS to the data source of ¬
			table view "RCautionsTable" of ¬
			scroll view "RCautionsTable" of ¬
			view of tab view item "RaceTab"
	end tell
	set RosterDS to the data source of ¬
		table view "MDDriverRoster" of ¬
		scroll view "MDDriverRoster" of ¬
		window "MDDriverWindow"
	make new data column at end of data columns of DriversDS with properties {name:"DDTeamSpeex"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of DriversDS with properties {name:"DDDNF"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of DriversDS with properties {name:"DDCarnum"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of DriversDS with properties {name:"DDName"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of CautionsDS with properties {name:"RCTStartLap"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of CautionsDS with properties {name:"RCTEndLap"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of CautionsDS with properties {name:"RCTLuckyDog"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of CautionsDS with properties {name:"RCTGreenLaps"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of CautionsDS with properties {name:"RCTAveRun"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of RosterDS with properties {name:"MDDRCarNum"}
	make new data column at end of data columns of RosterDS with properties {name:"MDDRName"}
	set visible of theObject to true
end awake from nib

on clicked theObject
	set theName to the name of theObject
	if theName is "DAdd" then
		set theRow to make new data row at the end of data rows of DriversDS
		set the contents of data cell "DDCarNum" of theRow to 1
	else if theName is "RAdd" then
		set theRow to make new data row at the end of data rows of CautionsDS
		set the contents of data cell "RCTStartLap" of theRow to 1
	else if theName is "MDAdd" then
		set theRow to make new data row at the end of data rows of RosterDS
		set the contents of data cell "MDDRCarNum" of theRow to 1
	else ...
		-- do other stuff...
	end if
end clicked