TableView Manipulation - Read Write Access Help

Couple of issues…

I set up a table bound to an array controller.
I’m running the below to grab the user names from the computer and put them into the table…
The issue I’m having with this is that I’m ending up with in the bottom row every time I load the values in.

on checkforusers_(sender)
		set compusers to do shell script "/usr/bin/dscl . list /Users | grep -v eccsadmin | grep -v ^_ | grep -v root | grep -v uucp | grep -v amavisd | grep -v nobody | grep -v messagebus | grep -v daemon | grep -v www | grep -v Guest | grep -v xgrid | grep -v windowserver | grep -v unknown | grep -v unknown | grep -v tokend | grep -v sshd | grep -v securityagent | grep -v mailman | grep -v mysql | grep -v postfix | grep -v qtss | grep -v jabber | grep -v cyrusimap | grep -v clamav | grep -v appserver | grep -v appowner"
		display dialog compusers
		set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "}
		repeat with i from 1 to count of paragraphs of compusers
			set oneRecord to paragraph i of compusers
			set my theData to {{theUsername:text item 1 of oneRecord}} & my theData
		end repeat
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
	end checkforusers_

In addition to this I’m unsure how to access these values from the array controller. Such that I can click on a value…then click a button to act on those values.


All those greps – you can use a single grep as in “grep -v root|uucp|amavisd|…”. And your text item delimiters don’t seem to be involved in anything, but maybe you cut that code out.

You’re probably getting because you have an empty paragraph at the end. Try adding something like ‘if oneRecord is not “”’ before the “set myData…” line.

As for getting the selection, it depends on how you have bound myData to the Table. Have you used an NSArrayController?

Thanks Shane.

I do have an empty paragraph at the end however the line you suggested does not remove it from the end.
I added "grep -v “^$” to the grep lines to remove any blank lines from the returned information.

Sorry for the newbi-ness of this post.

I followed the “florida” sample application which is on here somewhere.

I created an array controller in the IB and then bound both columns for the table to the array. theUsername and the UID are the two columns. The “value” of both columns are bound to the array controller.

the Class is reported as NSMutableDictionary in IB.

Thanks Robert

Try just skipping the last paragraph:

       repeat with i from 1 to (count of paragraphs of compusers)-1

The easiest way to get information about the selection is to ask the NSArrayController. So you’ll need to add a property and make it an outlet of the array controller – let’s assume you call it arrayController. To find the selection, you can call its selectedObjects method, which returns a list of the selected items:

set selectedItems to arrayController's selectedObjects() as list

Still can’t get the Null to disappear.

However with the

on showuser_(sender)
		set selectedItems to myuserarray's selectedObjects() as list
		display dialog selectedItems
end showuser_

I’ve read a bunch of tutorials but I’m unclear what to do with the list at this point to access the “string” information hidden in the list that is returned…the above returns a dialog with a long string of chinese characters…weird

selectedItems will be a list of records – assuming a single row selected, it would be something like: {{theUsername:“fred”,theUID:“123”}}.

Yes that is what returned and I’m trying

set selectedItems to myuserarray's selectedObjects() as list
		set theItem to item 1 of selectedItems as string
		display dialog theItem

but I get in the console

2/19/10 8:30:57 AM Migration[599] *** -[MigrationAppDelegate showuser:]: Can’t make some data into the expected type. (error -1700)

then I tried:

set selectedItems to myuserarray's selectedObjects() as list
		set theItem to theUsername of selectedItems as string
		display dialog theItem

then get

2/19/10 8:40:32 AM Migration[653] *** -[MigrationAppDelegate showuser:]: Can’t make theUsername of {{theUsername:“mdhredhead”}} into type string. (error -1700)

sorry but just the last hurdle I have for now.


these errors occcur, because neither a record nor a list of records cannot be coerced to a string

try this

set selectedItems to myuserarray's selectedObjects() as list
		set {theUsername:theItem} to item 1 of selectedItems
		display dialog theItem

Thanks very much…now if I can get rid of the null value I’m all set :wink:

did it…I had to set theData to {}

before populating it. Then there was no NULL value.
