targa seq into .mov using quicktime pro


I have a series of many folders containing individual image sequences that I would like to make movies out of using quicktime pro. Given the large number of folders I must do this for I would like to automate the task with applescript if possible. After looking around i found a script that would do most of what i wanted except instead of saving a self contained movie i changed this line to save as reference movie only now it asks me to name the file and does not take the name of the 1 st image file as the name for the ref movie. Please can someone help me i am very new to using applescript.

on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving droppedFolders
repeat with aFolder in droppedFolders

tell application “Finder” to set theSequence to (get first file of aFolder as alias)

tell application “QuickTime Player”
open image sequence theSequence frames per second 25

set nameSequence to (theSequence as string) & “.mov”

tell movie 1
with timeout of 500 seconds
save self contained in nameSequence
end timeout


end tell
end tell

end repeat
end adding folder items to

Best regards

I think this is what you need. In your line “save self contained in nameSequence” it should be “save self contained in file nameSequence” because nameSequence is in string format and it needs to be in a mac type file specification format.

Anyway, that’s my guess. Good luck.

You might also want to replace the line…

set nameSequence to (theSequence as string) & “.mov”


set nameSequence to text 1 thru -4 of (theSequence as string) & “mov”

Assuming your picture files have a 3 letter extension, this change will remove the extension before adding “mov” to the name.

Thanks very Much
I tried changing the line but my problems start when i change the save as self contained to safe as reference file as i only need a pointer file created which i can use to start an export script of using automator. As soon as i change this line the script just waits and does not save anything. Any idears?
best regards

Oh OK. I understand what you want now. Just leave off the “self contained” part and you’ll get the reference movie. Just use the following. Note you may still need the file reference but you can add that if needed. Hope this helps.

tell movie 1
save in nameSequence → gives reference movie
end timeout