tell to "Finder" inside a "on drop"

Hi to all,

Im tryng to do something like this :

on awake from nib theObject
	tell theObject to register drag types {"file names"}
end awake from nib

on drop theObject drag info dragInfo
	set dataTypes to types of pasteboard of dragInfo
	if "file names" is in dataTypes then
		set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to "file names"
		set thePaths to contents of pasteboard of dragInfo
		set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to ""
		repeat with thePath in thePaths
			set theFile to (POSIX file thePath as string) as file specification
			tell application "Finder" 
                           make new alias file at desktop to theFile
                        end tell
		end repeat
	end if
end drop

but found this:

If you’re doing a drag and drop onto a Cocoa object in your interface you must avoid all use of the Finder in the ‘on drop the_object_ drag info drag_info_’ handler.- and this is true , Finder will hang for about 20 if called from the “on drop”, finally it will do his job but …

And i cant fin a work around for this…

My app: will create aliases of files droped in drop box.

Maybe someone already did that and can help me with this.


first of all: welcome to MacScripter

second of all: please post AppleScript Studio topics into the Xcode forum

third of all: does this work better?

on awake from nib theObject
	tell theObject to register drag types {"file names"}
end awake from nib

on drop theObject drag info dragInfo
	set dataTypes to types of pasteboard of dragInfo
	if "file names" is in dataTypes then
		set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to "file names"
		set thePaths to contents of pasteboard of dragInfo
		set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to ""
	end if
end drop

on createAliasFromList(L)
	repeat with thePath in L
		set theFile to (POSIX file thePath as alias)
		tell application "Finder"
			make new alias file at desktop to theFile
		end tell
	end repeat
end createAliasFromList

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for your response . I didn’t now that for ApplescriptStudio i shall post in Xcode forum.

I have tryied the code you sugested, but it dosent work better. Finder will hang for about 20 sec, and then will create the alias.

Also, in order to not open other topic, id like to ask if its possible to share a variable between two applescripts (from the same project) in ApplescriptStudio.

Thank you,

is a simple AppleScript Droplet sufficient?
Save the script as Application Bundle and drag the files onto the program icon

on open theseItems
	repeat with oneItem in theseItems
		tell application "Finder"
			make new alias file at desktop to oneItem
		end tell
	end repeat
end open

A droplet is not sufficient, the drob box i’m talking about is only a part of a program wich has an UI and other functions beside the drop box.


I tested your code and there is indeed a long and annoying delay when creating the alias. I tried it separated out as a handler and changing it into a script object with the same delays. I’m not sure that there is a way around this using the Finder. A little searching on the web and there might be a command line solution, though it is not an off the shelf one. See this link: osxutils is a bundle of powerful Mac-oriented command line utilities for viewing, editing and manipulating file meta-data.

which includes the command: mkalias

For sharing variables between script’s in AppleScript studio you need to make user defaults which store them in the plist file and are persistent between launches. ( )

2 thoughts,

  1. maybe a symbolic link would do it for you?
  2. there’s a cocoa class called NDAlias that allows you to make an alias without use of the Finder. If you know how to use cocoa then take a look at this…

3rd idea… maybe use the shell and osascript to run your Finder command.

Thank you all for your answers ,

I ended up doing something like this:

property theFile : {}
property thePAth : {}
property thePaths : {}

on clicked theObject

                        repeat with thePAth in thePaths
				tell application "Finder"
					make new alias file at desktop to (POSIX file thePAth)
				end tell
			end repeat

end clicked

on drop theObject drag info dragInfo
	set dataTypes to types of pasteboard of dragInfo
	if "file names" is in dataTypes then
		set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to "file names"
		set thePaths to contents of pasteboard of dragInfo
		set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to ""
		repeat with thePAth in thePaths
			set theFile to (POSIX file thePAth as string) as file specification
		end repeat
	end if
end drop

So, i added a button which (when pressed) will create the alias.

just move the repeat loop into the clicked handler and save the path list

property thePaths : {}

on clicked theObject
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with onePath in thePaths
			make new alias file at desktop to (POSIX file onePath as alias)
		end repeat
	end tell
end clicked

on drop theObject drag info dragInfo
	set dataTypes to types of pasteboard of dragInfo
	if "file names" is in dataTypes then
		set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to "file names"
		set thePaths to contents of pasteboard of dragInfo
		set preferred type of pasteboard of dragInfo to ""
	end if
end drop

Note: the class file specification is deprecated. Use alias instead