telling others process what to do in the terminal

i am fooling with edonkey command line client and writing a applescript to automate alot of it.

what i want to know is how do i ‘tell’ it to do stuff? i start with running the terminal and running the process donkeyClc. but any other command i give it, its taken as a command for the terminal and not donkeyClc.

I’m not familiar with edonkey, but if it’s an application (client) you shouldn’t need terminal open to script it. You should be able to just write some code (assuming it supports applescripting) and execute it and need nothing more. Start by opening script editor, and opening the edonkey dictionary. That will tell you what it’s native scripting support is. If it has no dictionary, or if it doesn’t do what you’d like it to, check out the OSX forum for more info on gui scripting and scripting additions that can help you control apps with little or no scripting support. Then use a “tell” command in your applescript with the appropriate syntax to do something, like…

tell application "edonkey"
	take an edump with parameters {"dirty","butt"}
end tell


A command line interface (CLI) is a user interface to a computer’s operating system or an application in which the user responds to a visual prompt by typing in a command on a specified line, receives a response back from the system, and then enters another command, and so forth.

A graphical user interface (or GUI, pronounced “gooey”) is a method of interacting with a computer through a metaphor of direct manipulation of graphical images and widgets in addition to text.

Command line programs, such as the one ashstampede is using, don’t have a gui to script.

I’m not familar with how edonkey runs. Do you use single commands to control it? Like…

% edonkey
% edonkey -dothis
% edonkey -dothat

Or do you launch it, and then it gives you a prompt to give it commands, options, etc.

If it uses the first way all you have to do is…

do shell script "edonkey"
do shell script "edonkey -dothis"
do shell script "edonkey -dothat"

…which is part of the “Standard Additions”. If it uses the second way, you’ll have to script a specific terminal window…

tell application "Terminal" to do script "[i]something[/i]" [in [i]window[/i]]