Terror (QX script)

My script to eliminate more than one tab in a row:

tell application "QuarkXPress" 
do script {tabKiller} 
end tell 

script tabKiller 

tell document 1 of application "QuarkXPress" 
tell current box 
tell story 1 
set every text where it is (tab & tab) to tab 
end tell 
end tell 
end try 
end tell 
end script 

I’m running it on a box I have selected, and its deleting chunks of text.

I’m scared. Why would it do this?

I think you have to go through it line by line of the text not sure if I get some time I’ll take a stab at it

it seems to work fine for me what version of quark are you running ?

Running 6.5 on a dual G5 with Tiger (10.4.8)

I hate this. Makes me afraid to do basic, elemental cleanup.