Text field not retaining value after post

I have a script that runs a shell script. It submits, runs the shell script, then I used orderOut to hide the window. After 10 sec (ie), the window returns (makeKeyAndOrderFront) and you fill out the form and post again. Only this time when I post, it tells me those fields are empty. Below is the code that is relevant. Bindings are used on each text field. What gives?

on postUpdate_(sender) -- when you click button postUpdate		
	try -- to catch errors
		progressBar's startAnimation_(true)

		--set variables
		set userId to userId's stringValue() as string
		set projectName to projectName's stringValue() as string
		set logEntry to logEntry's stringValue() as string
		-- check if fields were left empty
		if logEntry = "" then
			display dialog "You must enter project notes."
		end if
		if projectName = "" then
			display dialog "You must enter a project name."
		end if
		if userId = "" then
			display dialog "You cannot submit until you define a user."
		end if
		-- do shell script here

		progressBar's stopAnimation_(true)
		postWindow's orderOut_(sender) -- release window
	on error thisError -- if error, show error.
		display dialog thisError
	end try
end postUpdate_

Thanks for the help.

Browser: Safari 533.16
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

You don’t say or show what your text fields are bound to – the use of stringValue() to get values suggests they’re not bound at all, which might cause what you’re seeing.

Sorry, they are bound to shared user defaults, which is why I’m so lost. The field still contains text so it shouldn’t return as empty.

Solved my problem. I knew I was doing something stupid. I was assigning a variable to a form but the variable and form both have the same name so when I would tell it to set the variable to string value of the form, it was just returning empty because the variable didn’t have a string value and I guess it didn’t know to look elsewhere.

I simply renamed all of my IB outlets to variable name + Form to differentiate them and all is well.

Thanks Shane for having me look a little deeper.