I was wondering if there was anyway to create a prompt and maybe even have the trash folder open before deleting so users can review what they are about to delete. I work in a graphic production environment and sometimes we accidentally trash something that we didn’t mean to or that we need. I was thinking a simple actionscript on the trash folder could help eleviate some of this.
Is this something that is possible?
When a user clicks on “Empty Trash” the trash folder opens then a prompt asks if they are sure with a yes or no answer.
You could try using Folder Actions. I tried to come up with a solution for you yesterday, but Folder Actions don’t seem to work on my machine so I was unable to test the script.
But in theory, you could attach a folder action to the .Trash folder (it’s a hidden file in your Users folder). Whenever a file is added to this folder, you could either confirm that they want to delete the file, or even copy the file to a backup location.
To attach a folder action to a hidden folder, you’ll have to make hidden files viewable. In the terminal, type the following and press enter:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
And then:
killall Finder
Once you’ve attached a folder action, you’ll need to hide hidden files again by typing:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder
Thanks so much, I’ll give it a try.