Text view paragraph alignment

Hey guys.

I have a text view with a bunch of paragraphs, all left aligned (by default). All I want to do is set the alignment of individual paragraphs to center.

Something like this should work…

tell text view "textView" of scroll view "scrollView" of window "window"
	set paragraphOne to (paragraph 1) as text --> for reference only
	set alignment of paragraph 1 to center text alignment
end tell

I know that it’s successfully recognizing the first paragraph, because I can see it’s value in the “paragraphOne” variable, but it doesn’t want to set it’s alignment, no matter what setup I try. I’ve used it’s content/contents/text/reference/etc. It just keeps throwing a myriad of errors at me. Setting…

	set alignment to center text alignment
end tell...

…will successfully set the entire text view’s alignment, but I want to do it on a per-paragraph basis. You can set it’s alignment in IB, but manipulating the text does not retain the original paragraph alignment if I change the text programatically. And, I could include a format menu and do it manually, but automation via a script seems like a feasible expectation.

Any input is welcome…