Hi All,
I have a text file which I can use AS to open and set the contents to a variable, but I’m unsure of the syntax to get the properties of the paragraphs (Ie. Font, Size, colour etc)… I want to delete some paragraphs based on size. Is this doable? or is there a better approach for Rich Text manipulation with AS.
tell application "TextEdit"
set mydoc to the document 1
set firstpara to paragraph 1 of mydoc
-- return firstpara
set paraprop to the size of firstpara
return paraprop
end tell
Using RTF in TextEdit with one line.
Hello World
(24pt, Helvetica Regular).
error “Can’t get size of "Hello World
".” number -1728 from size of "Hello World
Thanks in Advance.
A better approach, would be to do the manipulation from Microsoft Word.
try this
tell application "TextEdit"
set mydoc to the document 1
set paraprop to properties of paragraph 1 of text of mydoc
return size of paraprop
end tell
The line .
set firstpara to paragraph 1 of mydoc
. sets the variable to some AppleScript text. You need to get the paragraph information directly from the document.
tell application "TextEdit"
set mydoc to the document 1
set paraprop to the size of paragraph 1 of mydoc -- Get the size directly from the document.
return paraprop
end tell
tell application "TextEdit"
set mydoc to the document 1
set firstpara to a reference to paragraph 1 of mydoc -- A reference to the paragraph in the document rather than text returned to the script.
set paraprop to the size of firstpara
return paraprop
end tell
Hi Nigel,
It was the ‘reference to’ command I was missing.
set firstpara to a reference to paragraph 1 of mydoc
Thanks a bunch.
Hi Stefan, Fast and concise as always. Thanks.