The Mother of All Excel Scripts

I apologize if this isn’t the appropriate place to post this but I really wanted to recognize all of those who helped me either directly or indirectly. I had considered uploading this script as just a script, but it is rather specific to just my need and I felt there would be some out there who could benefit more by having it come up in the BBS Search Engine.

For those of you who remember, I needed to format a large block of raw text and spit out a clean and very easy to read Excel file. Jonn, specifically, was of great help because it was his original script that taught me a great deal about layout, labeling and different subroutines. I also scoured the BBS almost daily to try and pick up new techniques of modifying information inside Excel and pooled together several posts to create my final script.

Ok, enough with sounding like I just won a damn Oscar. Here’s the script in its production ready (and probably a smidge messy) form.

Agan, thank you all for your tremendous help.


--This script was to trim the junk out of the Home Sales Transactions 
--and format them for publication in the East Valley Tribune.
--Feel free to extract anything you find useful and allow the same of anyone
--else who may need a little help.
--Written by Dennis Alaniz

property type_list : {text}
property extension_list : {"txt"}
global whole_kaboodle
global file_path
global target_file

on run
	open {choose file}
end run

on open these_items
	set an_error to false
	set whole_kaboodle to ""
		repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
			set this_item to item i of these_items
			set item_info to info for this_item
			tell application "Finder"
				set file_path to ((container of this_item) as text)
			end tell
			if (folder of item_info = false) and ¬
				(alias of item_info = false) and ¬
				(file type of item_info is in type_list) or ¬
				(name extension of item_info is in extension_list) then ¬
				my write_to_file((my process_item(this_item, (name of item_info))), ((((file_path) as text) & text 1 thru -5 of (name of item_info) as text) & " 1.xls"), false)
		end repeat
	on error error_message number error_number
		set an_error to true
		set this_error to "Error: " & error_number & ". " & error_message & return
		set log_file to ((path to desktop) as text) & "Script Error Log.txt"
		my write_error(this_error, log_file, true)
	end try
	my write_kaboodle(whole_kaboodle, file_path)
	if an_error = false then
		display dialog "All finished, your Majesty!" buttons {"Viola!"}
		display dialog "The script encountered an error. Please read the error log now on your desktop" buttons {"Sorry"}
	end if
end open

on process_item(this_item, the_name)
	set all_text to read (this_item as alias)
	set return_text to ""
	repeat with this_paragraph in (paragraphs of all_text)
		set old_atid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {","}
		set the_values to text items of (text of this_paragraph)
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to old_atid
			if (count of item 8 of the_values) = 5 then
				set return_text to return_text & ((item 8 of the_values) as number) & tab & (text 2 thru -2 of (item 6 of the_values)) & tab & (text 2 thru -2 of (item 7 of the_values)) & tab & (item 24 of the_values as number) & return
			else if (text 6 thru -5 of item 8 of the_values) = "-" then
				set return_text to return_text & ((text 1 thru -6 of (item 8 of the_values)) as number) & tab & (text 2 thru -2 of (item 6 of the_values)) & tab & (text 2 thru -2 of (item 7 of the_values)) & tab & (item 24 of the_values as number) & return
			end if
		end try
	end repeat
	return return_text
end process_item

on write_to_file(this_data, target_file, append_data)
	set the clipboard to this_data
	tell application "Microsoft Word"
			tell application "System Events"
				set visible of process "Microsoft Word" to false
			end tell
		end try
		do Visual Basic "	Documents.Add DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocument"
		do Visual Basic "	Selection.WholeStory"
		do Visual Basic "	Selection.Range.Case = wdTitleWord"
		close document 1 of window 1 saving no
	end tell
	tell application "Microsoft Excel"
			tell Application "System Events"
				set visible of process "Microsoft Excel" to false
			end tell
		end try
		Create New Workbook
		Sort Selection Key1 Range "R1C1" Order1 xlAscending Header xlGuess OrderCustom 1 Orientation xlTopToBottom without MatchCase
		Select Range "C4"
		set NumberFormat of Selection to "$#,##0"
		Save ActiveWorkbook In (target_file as string) As xlNormal Password "" WriteReservedPassword "" without ReadOnlyRecommended and CreateBackup
		--Select Range "R49C11"
		set all_finished to false
		set finished to false
		set j to 1
		repeat until all_finished is equal to true
			set zip_format to Value of Cell ("R" & j & "C1")
			set zip_cell to "R" & j & "C1" as string
			set new_cell to "R" & j & "C2" as string
			set new_row to "R" & j as string
			repeat until finished is equal to true
				set test_zip to Value of Cell ("R" & (j + 1) & "C1")
				if zip_format ? test_zip then
					set finished to true
				end if
				set j to j + 1
			end repeat
				if Formula of Cell test_zip = 0 then
					set all_finished to true
					set finished to false
				end if
			on error
				set all_finished to true
			end try
			Select Range zip_cell
			CopyObject Selection
			Select Range new_row
			set CutCopyMode to false
			Insert Selection Shift xlDown
			Select Range new_cell
			set Bold of Font of Selection to true
			set j to j + 1
		end repeat
		Select Range "R1:R65536"
		CopyObject Selection
		set whole_kaboodle to whole_kaboodle & (the clipboard)
		set CutCopyMode to true
		--	Select Range "C1"
		--	Delete Selection Shift xlToLeft
		--	Select Range "C2"
		--	Delete Selection Shift xlToLeft
		Close ActiveWorkbook saving Yes
	end tell
	return whole_kaboodle
end write_to_file

on write_kaboodle(final_text, final_location)
	set the clipboard to whole_kaboodle
	tell application "Microsoft Excel"
			tell Application "System Events"
				set visible of process "Microsoft Excel" to false
			end tell
		end try
		Create New Workbook
		Save ActiveWorkbook In ((final_location as string) & "Whole Kitten Kaboodle.xls") As xlNormal Password "" WriteReservedPassword "" without ReadOnlyRecommended and CreateBackup
		--	Select Range "C1"
		--	Delete Selection Shift xlToLeft
		--	Select Range "C2"
		--	Delete Selection Shift xlToLeft
		Close ActiveWorkbook saving Yes
	end tell
end write_kaboodle

on write_error(this_data, target_file, append_data)
		set target_file to target_file as text
		set open_target_file to open for access file target_file with write permission
		if append_data = false then set eof of the open_target_file to 0
		write this_data to the open_target_file starting at eof
		close access the open_target_file
		return true
	on error
			close access file target_file
		end try
		return false
	end try
end write_error

Looks good except for this part:

 repeat until finished is equal to true
        set test_zip to Value of Cell ("R" & (j + 1) & "C1")
        if zip_format ? test_zip then
           set finished to true
        end if
        set j to j + 1
     end repeat 

Where I think the question mark is probably suppposed to be the not equal symbol?

You’re absolutely right. Interrestingly enough, my script is like that but the symbol didn’t carry through in its HTMLization.

Good catch, though. Thank you!
