theTable variable not defined.

The following code gives tells me that theTable is not defined. Anyone know why?

on will open theObject
	set theTable to data source of table view "tblView" of scroll view "tblView" of window "Backup" --this passes
	set theRow to make new data row at the end of the data rows of theTable --this gives error
end will open


I have been having the same problem… It seems that the script doesn’t want to recognize the fact that the table create has a data source attached to it. There is an object in the Interface builder that I have only now found but I have yet to find out how to connect it to the table element in the app.

I will keep looking here to see if you have found anything new out and will post anything that I find.

Matthew Potter


When creating your table(s) use the code that you regularly can find in the samples provided but also drag the datasource object from the item window in the interface builder into your file… Double click on the table to get to the table view and control-click and drag the connector to the datasource item. Your info pallet will show datasource as a highlight an simply click “Connect”. Save and try the app!

This has taken me forever to figure out… Good luck with your scripting!

Sorry that I didn’t post sooner. Yeah, I found the solution a long time ago. The conversation was transfered to another thread.