Hey guys, just signed up here cause I’m starting to get into Mac scripting, but just starting out with Automator, then hopefully going into Applescript. Anyway…
So I’m trying to do this workflow that will grab what happened in this day in WWII, and then make it your desktop background. Part of it I took from Macworld’s “Put Stock Quotes on your Desktop” workflow. So here it is, if you need the actual file just email me (rmjohnson307 (at) gmail dot com).
- Get Specified URLS
http://www.historychannel.com/global/feeds/tdihrss.jsp - Get Text from Webpage
- New TextEdit Document
4.Run Applescript
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "TextEdit"
set the size of the text of the front document to 12
set the zoomed of the front window to true
end tell
return true
end run
- Get Specified Finder Items
Name: Desktop_Picture.png Path: Ryan’s eMac> Users > ryan > Desktop > Desktop_Picture.png - Take Screenshot
Typ: Full Screen
Options: Main Monitor Only is checked, Timed is unchecked
Save to: Clipboard - Set the Desktop Picture
Like I said steps 3-7 are from that other workflow, I hope that’s ok. Any help is appreciated!
EDIT: Oh yea, I forgot to mention some other stuff. The Desktop_Picture.png is what I want to the screenshot to be changed to, but it doesn’t change it, it just keeps the original image.
Model: eMac
AppleScript: ?
Browser: Safari 416.13
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)