Ticks in Snow Leopard

Ticks seems to stop working in Snow Leopard. I try to get time since boot. How i can get it in SL?

MP Ticks

--><script> doesn't understand the MP Ticks message

Also only way i know how to get status of Capslock stopped working:

tell application "System Events" to if (get value of checkbox "⇪" of window 1 of application process "KeyboardViewerServer") as number is 1 then beep
-->Where is KeyboardViewerServerApp?


I just noticed that TIcks works some times but not always.

I tested MP Ticks again and it works for few minutes after boot then it stops working.

error “«script» doesn’t understand the MP Ticks message.” number -1708 from «script»

Are there any other one row solutions to get time since boot?

Also so there are not any way to detect Caps Lock in Snow Leopard?
