Tieing input text to variables in Interface Builder

I’m new to this whole thing so I apologize if this is very obvious and I’m just overlooking it.

I’m trying to tie the input from two fields I have created to variables, then pass those variables to a shell script. This is what I have so far:

Click for picture

So I would like to tie what ever is passed in to the two fields as two separate variables and then when I click Search it would pass them to the shell command find $PATH -name ‘$FILENAME’ So in the case of my image it would search the Volume Share for files named picture.jpg. I’ve tried reading the manual for IB but don’t know where to start. Is this a binding? How do I assign it to a variable? How do I tie the find command to the Search button? As you can tell I’m definitely a newb, but I want to learn this stuff. So any help would be greatly appreciated.


I recommend to read the Currency Converter Tutorial

Thank you for that link. It has gotten me 99% of the way there (I think). I am having an issue though, In my fields that are just text I don’t know what set them as? I tried set as string and I tried set as text and I get an error saying it can’t set them as string or Unicode text. Here is what I have so far:

on clicked theObject
	tell window of theObject
		set thePath to contents of text field "path" as text
		set thePathPP to POSIX path of thePath
		set theFilename to contents of text field "filename" as text
		if length of thePathPP is greater than 1 and thePathPP ends with "/" then set thePathPP to text 1 through -2 of thePathPP
		set findCmd to "find " & quoted form of thePathPP & " -iname " & "*" & quoted form of theFilename & "*" & " -print;true"
		set findResults to do shell script findCmd
		set theMatches to paragraphs of findResults
		set chosenPaths to choose from list theMatches with prompt "Matching Items: " & length of theMatches with empty selection allowed and multiple selections allowed
		if chosenPaths is not equal to false and length of chosenPaths is greater than 0 then
			set chosenFiles to {}
			repeat with f in chosenPaths
					set end of chosenFiles to alias POSIX file (contents of f)
				end try
			end repeat
			if length of chosenFiles is greater than 0 then ¬
				tell application "Finder"
					reveal chosenFiles
				end tell
		end if
	end tell
end clicked

on should quit after last window closed theObject
	return true
end should quit after last window closed

I got most of that from chrys in this thread. It works great as just an Applescript, but I merged the two together (the tutorial and the applescript). So, what type do they need to be set as?

OK, now I have figured this out. I apparently forgot to set the Title of one of the fields. I set that and it works. Now, I have another issue though, it pops up another window with my results of the search like I want. However, when I click on one of those items, it should reveal the item in Finder but it’s not. What do I need to do differently to reveal the item in Finder?

There is no coercion needed at all. The content of an text field is always text.
Note: It’s strongly recommended to use referencing tell blocks only for the appropriate lines

on clicked theObject
	tell window of theObject
		set thePath to contents of text field "path"
		set theFilename to contents of text field "filename"
	end tell
	set thePathPP to POSIX path of thePath

Sweet, I fixed the coercion so there was none, what you said makes perfect sense. I was still having the problem of Finder not revealing the item. Then I fixed the tell blocks like you said and now the reveal in Finder works perfectly. Thanks for your help. :cool: