Tiger Xcode not compatible with 10.2 ?

Since I have been working with Xtools 2.0 under Tiger, my programs do not launch in 10.2 anymore.
I checked the NIB and it has a backwards compatibility with Mac OS 10.2.
Does anyone have similar experiences and found a solution for this?

Thanks in advance,


The problem is that Xcode 2.0 uses GCC 4.0 as its compiler and this causes any project built with it to be dependent on libraries not installed on Mac OS X 10.2.x (only 10.3+). The workaround is to quit Xcode, open the Terminal, and enter this command:

sudo gcc_select 3.3

This will tell Xcode to use the GCC 3.3 compiler. Now, re-open your project in Xcode, clean all targets, and rebuild. Your app should now work in Mac OS X 10.2+. If you want to revert to using the GCC 4.0 compiler, quit Xcode again, and enter this in the Terminal:

sudo gcc_select 4.0


Hi… I had a user request a 10.2 build of iDupe. I followed these instructions and am waiting for a response from the user, since I can’t test it.

I was wonder though, what the implications might be of using GCC 3.3 across the board. Would there be performance issues?

Is this a known bug and will Apple be releasing an XCode version that has the option to switch between GCC versions without this terminal method?
