Timeout Delay


Is it possible to set a long AppleScript timeout delay before the execution of a command than switch back to the standard delay?

I’m asking this because I use DropStuff thru a script to compress a folder on an old Mac and it takes ages. And AppleScripts makes an error for a command timeout delay.

Is there a solution?

Thanks for the help.

Andrew Hobson

Hi Andrew,

use a custom timeout block, it affects only this occurrence

with timeout of 20 * minutes seconds
	tell application "DropStuff"
	end tell
end timeout

Hi Stephan,

May I please ask you to explain to me the syntax of the parameters:

with tiemout of 20 * minutes seconds

As I dont understand the logic of: 20 * minutes seconds



the common syntax is

with timeout of integer seconds

the integer value is 20 * minutes (= 20 * 60 = 1200)