Timeout not working

I am trying to set up a script that connects to a networked PC. I want it to look for the PC, and if it is not physically connected, to display a dialog after only 8 seconds. For some reason it is not timing out after 8 seconds. Is goes the full 60 seconds before displaying the dialog. Any ideas why?

tell app “Finder”
if not (exists “myPC”) then
with timeout of 8 seconds
mount volume “smb://”
end timeout
on error
display dialog “Make sure PC is connected, then click OK.” buttons ¬
{“OK”,"Camcel} default button 1
end try
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell

‘with timeout’ only specifies the time AppleScript should wait for an application response.

To use it with a ‘display dialog’, use the ‘giving up after’ parameter:

display dialog "Make sure PC is connected, then click OK." buttons ¬ 
{"OK","Camcel} default button 1 giving up after 8

This hasn’t been tested and I’m very tired so my logic could be off (and there’s probably a better way of doing this in the first place) but you could try:


[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

That could probably be shortened to:


[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]

Thank you guys for your great ideas. However, in each of the suggestions made the delay time for the finder to display the dialog is still 60 seconds. That is a long time to wait, especially if it is a user that doen’t know about command-“.”.It seems as if the “mount volume” process freezes the script at that point until it has timed out, rather than going ahead with the repeat loop. Any other ideas?

Thanks for your help!