Here's my situation: Our company has just bought mac minis for all of our stores as media centers and we need to maintain them from HQ. So I figured it would be pretty sweet to have it all automated. So I've been testing two machines locally with a few few scripts to authenticate and rsync the iTunes folder and iTunes pref files to sync the clients with the server.. ..
Right now I manually create an RSA authentication key on the server and put it in a folder called Authorized_keys2 and then scp it to the client so that i don’t have to input a password everytime. Then I rsync it.
This is the script:
do shell script "rsync -a -e ssh --delete ~/Music/itunes/ music@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:~/Music/itunes/"
do shell script "ssh music@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx killall iTunes"
do shell script "ssh music@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ~/Desktop/ituneslaunch.app/Contents/MacOS/ituneslaunch"
the ituneslaunch.app is an automator actions that launches itunes, set volume, removes empty playlists, and play/pause
But there’s a crap load of computers and changing the ip address for everyone is going to key my poor fingers
I’ve searched a bunch of places to find a way to do two seperate things:
#1 have a script that will promt for an ip address and input it into the script
#2 have another script that will read the ips out of a txt file (or rtf) and do a repeat for all the ip address’ until all clients have been updated.
I’ve searched many sources but haven’t found a good way, and I’m new to apple script and would love it if someone could help me out with this
Also I want to set up cron to run the script at certain times… but now i hear about launchd… ayone have experience and know which one would suit my situation better?