toolbar items do nothing [event handlers]

when i click on any toolbar item, nothing happens, whats the deal??

on awake from nib theObject
	--Create the Toolbar for the applicaiton
	set MyWindowToolbar to make new toolbar at end with properties {name:"MyWindow toolbar", identifier:"MyWindow toolbar identifier", allows customization:true, auto sizes cells:true, display mode:default display mode, size mode:default size mode}
	set allowed identifiers of MyWindowToolbar to {"Refresh Line", "Remove User", "Submit Ticket", "iChat Invitation", "Send Email", "customize toolbar item identifer", "flexible space item identifer", "space item identifier", "separator item identifier"}
	set default identifiers of MyWindowToolbar to {"Refresh Line", "Remove User", "separator item identifier", "Submit Ticket", "separator item identifier", "iChat Invitation", "Send Email"}
	make new toolbar item at end of toolbar items of MyWindowToolbar with properties {identifier:"Refresh Line", name:"Refresh LIne", label:"Refresh Line", palette label:"Refresh Line", tool tip:"Refresh the line of people waiting.", image name:"iChat.png"}
	make new toolbar item at end of toolbar items of MyWindowToolbar with properties {identifier:"Remove User", name:"Remove User", label:"Remove User", palette label:"Remove User", tool tip:"Remove the selected user.", image name:"iChat.png"}
	make new toolbar item at end of toolbar items of MyWindowToolbar with properties {identifier:"Submit Ticket", name:"Submit Ticket", label:"Submit Ticket", palette label:"Submit Ticket", tool tip:"Make a ticket out of this issue", image name:"iChat.png"}
	make new toolbar item at end of toolbar items of MyWindowToolbar with properties {identifier:"iChat Invitation", name:"iChat Invitation", label:"iChat Invitation", palette label:"iChat Invitation", tool tip:"Invite this user to an audio or video chat", image name:"iChat.png"}
	make new toolbar item at end of toolbar items of MyWindowToolbar with properties {identifier:"Send Email", name:"Send Email", label:"Send Email", palette label:"Send Email", tool tip:"Send an email to this user", image name:"iChat.png"}
	set toolbar of window "main" to MyWindowToolbar
end awake from nib

on clicked toolbar item theObject
end clicked toolbar item

Welcome. :slight_smile:

Are both of those handlers connected to the proper window in Interface Builder?

It may not make a difference, but I’d prefer to use this:

set toolbar of theObject to documentToolbar

the toolbar and toolbar items are not in interface builder, so I don’t really know which window they are pointing to. And because they are not in interface builder and built on run, I didn’t check the box “on clicked” in the inspecter window of interface builder. How would i do that?

I figured it out,

I need to check “awake from nib” in interface builder for the main window, and also check “clicked toolbar item” in interface builder for the main window. So simple, but thats how it is sometimes.