Hi All,
I dynamically/programmatically created toolbars and toolbar items in XCode 2 (using AppleScript). They were limited to click buttons with icons. In XCode 3 (including Interface Builder 3) we can drag just about any control into toolbars. Some questions:
If I create a toolbar using IB3, can I deploy that app in Tiger (and previous versions) or will it only run in Leopard? Is this limit for all XCode 3 projects, or just those made with AppleScript?
Is there a programmatic way to add the new interface objects (eg stepper, text field) to the toolbar, as we can for buttons? If not pure AppleScript then how about using a call method? Will these items also carry over on pre-Leopard deployments (in the same way as programmatically created toolbar buttons do)?
I managed to get a stepper working in a toolbar. When I click on it, my app gets a “clicked” event and a reference to the object, from which I can get the name. But when I try a slider, a text field, a search field I get an error like “AppleScript Error: Can’t make <> id 612 into type reference. (-1700)”. Are there objects other than buttons and steppers that work? Is there a way to get other objects (such as sliders, search field) to work, even using “call method” if necessary?