Trash protected script

Hello everyone, ive just started working with applescript again and I had an idea.
I want to make a script that when opened as an application, it loads up a website in safari and doesnt allow you to click the red button in the corner to exit out. You would have to actually go up to safaris name in the menu bar and click quit.
Also another piece of it is making it unable to be put in the trash. I think some system applications have this feature, so it should be possible in applescript. When you click on the application and drag it to the trash, it gives you a dialog box or something and doesnt let you delete it.
Basically im making a prank application where I set it to open upon login, open safari, go to a website and you have to quit safari to leave it, you cant delete it, and to get rid of it you have to open it in applescript and get rid of all the code from there.
I have the knowledge to open a safari window and how to open it upon login, but I cant figure out how to trash protect it or make it so you have to quit safari to get out.

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you