Treminal and Path's

Sorry abauth my english first.
I need to change the path from myDisk:myFolder:myMusic to myDisk/myFolder/myMusic
Exists a function to change the format of the path???


on open these_items
	set this_item to (item 1 of these_items)
	set item_info to info for this_item
	set commando to "unrar e " & (this_item) --<--- here are the problem
       if the name extension of the item_info is "rar" then
			tell application "Terminal"
				do script commando
			end tell
       end if 

end open

Yes there are two commands for in the standard scripting additions.

The POSIX path is the name for what you call UNIX path en Macintosh Path The path you wan’t to coerce

To transform from Macintosh Path to POSIX path (this is what you want)

set thePosixPath to POSIX path of theMacintoshPath

and to transform from POSIX path to macintosh Path

set theMacintoshPath to POSIX file thePosixPath

TIP: I see that you are Using the Terminal. I don’t think this is necessary.
this code you have here

set commando to "unrar e " & (this_item)
if the name extension of the item_info is "rar" then
    tell application "Terminal"
        do script commando
    end tell
end if 

you can change it for this with quoted form

set commando to "unrar e " & (quoted form of (posix path of this_item)) --this item is macintosh path
do shell script commando 

do shell script will do almost exactly as what you do in you terminal