I wonder if you could help me with a script. I want to be able to rename all the files in a folder, keeping the first 19 characters, and the last 3, and removing the rest. So from this to this…
It would be nice if I could put it into Automator, so I can just drop a load of files on it, and it would take care of the rest. It would also mean I can share it with (even less computer savvy) colleagues.
Normally, I would look for a similar type of script and amend it, but I haven’t been able to find anything. I hope someone can help.
set firstSTR to text 1 thru 19 of orgSTR
set lastSTR to text ((length of orgSTR) - 1) thru end of orgSTR
set allSTR to firstSTR & lastSTR
actually the result of your example is JOBNUMB_1000000000_ v1, the third last character is a space.
To rename a file you need to separate name and name extension, rename the name portion and append the extension again.
This code can be used as applet and droplet, save it as application
on run
open (choose file with multiple selections allowed)
end run
on open theFiles
repeat with aFile in theFiles
set {fileName, fileExtension} to separateNameAndExtension(aFile)
tell fileName to set trimmedName to text 1 thru 19 & text -3 thru -1
if fileExtension is not "" then set trimmedName to trimmedName & "." & fileExtension
tell application "System Events" to set name of aFile to trimmedName
end repeat
end open
on separateNameAndExtension(f)
tell application "System Events" to set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to f
if Ex is "" or Ex is missing value then return {Nm, ""}
return {text 1 thru ((count Nm) - (count Ex) - 1) of Nm, Ex}
end separateNameAndExtension