Pleasse bear with me… I am not a scripting wiz, and once I have a script down, I just leave it alone. But switching from OS9 to OSX (currently 10.1.5, ScriptEditor 1.7), I’ver run into some problems. I have an applet that I drag a folder of backup files onto. The backup files exist on an external Firewire drive I’ll call Firewire 1, and the script (in OS9) makes a copy (move command) from Firewire 1 onto a seperate archive Firewire drive (Firewire 2), then moves the folder from one location on Firewire 1 to another. What results is 2 copies of the backup folder, one in an Archived folder on Firewire 1, AND in a folder on Firewire 2. Once the backups are burned to DVD from Firewire 2, the files are deleted from Firewire 1. The applet (good or bad, I don’t know, but it works) is below:
on open (somefile)
tell application “Finder”
move (somefile)to folder “Archives BC” of folder “FMPro Backups” of disk “Rick’sFirewire80”
move (somefile) to folder “Archives BC” of folder “oldArchives” of folder “~Server Archives” of folder “Backups” of disk “FMPro Backups”
end tell
end open
Okay, so I opened the script in OSX and saved it. When I run it, it MOVES the files from Firewire 1 to Firewire 2, but it does not copy like it did in OS9, it actually erases them from Firewire 1, so when the second MOVE command comes around, I get an error “File some object wasn’t found.” I also tried substituting COPY and DUPLICATE for the first MOVE, but that didn’t work either. What I want to do is Copy the file from Firewire 1 to Firewire 2, and then MOVE the original file from one folder to another on Firewire 1. Any suggestions?