Troubles with simple file management


I have a simple problem that I don’t know how to fix.
Sometimes when my code goes wrong some files don’t get closed properly.
So when on the next try I want to open them, I get an error message.

I’ve tried this code but it does not work. My only option is to close AppleScript and reopen.

	set outputFile to open for access file ("Nico C300:Users:nlavabre:Documents:Projects:Test XML:" & outputFileName) with write permission
on error
	close access outputFile
	set outputFile to open for access file ("Macintosh HD:Users:nlavabre:Documents:Projects:Test XML:" & outputFileName) with write permission
end try

I guess there’s a smart way out of that but I don’t know it nor I found it some place.

Thanx for your help :slight_smile:



I’m using this

set outputFilePath to "Nico C300:Users:nlavabre:Documents:Projects:Test XML:" & outputFileName
	set outputFilePointer to open for access file outputFilePath with write permission
	-- do something
	close access outputFilePointer
on error
		close access file outputFilePath
	end try
end try

To retry a file you can use this example code.

set theFile to (choose file) as string
set NrOfAttempts to 0
set myString to stringFromFile(theFile)
repeat until myString is not null
	set NrOfAttempts to NrOfAttempts + 1
	if NrOfAttempts > 10 then
		exit repeat
		delay 0.5
	end if
	set myString to stringFromFile(theFile)
end repeat
return myString

on stringFromFile(theFile)
		set fd to open for access file theFile
		set theContent to read fd as string
		close access fd
	on error
		close access file theFile
		set theContent to null
	end try
	return theContent
end stringFromFile

When a error occurred the code will try to redo the action till it tried it ten times. Then it will quit and it should throw an error. Increase or decrease the delay or attempts to your wishes. I use it when waiting for a file and remember that a file can be opened by the system once with write flag and hundreds with a read flag so use the write flag only when you need it.


I have only need to be able to reuse a file that has not been closed properly during my previous test. I’m not ‘waiting’ for any file although that could be useful some time.

Stefan, shall I really ‘do something’ there or may I write it this way:

set outputFilePath to "Nico C300:Users:nlavabre:Documents:Projects:Test XML:" & outputFileName
	set outputFilePointer to open for access file outputFilePath with write permission
on error
		close access file outputFilePath
	end try
end try

-- do something
close access outputFilePointer

I’d like to avoid having a giant try-end try with all my body code.
Then I guess if the file has not been closed properly then the next time I run the script I have an error and the second time it’s ok?

I give it a try anyway :slight_smile:


An open access to a file belongs to the application which opened it, which is the application running the script unless the ‘open for access’ is in a ‘tell’ statement. So if you’ve screwed up while developing a script in a script editor, leaving a file (or files) open, a simple expedient is to save your work and quit the editor. This will automatically close its accesses to any file it has open. You can then reopen the editor and continue.

Once you’ve got accesses properly protected by ‘try’ blocks in your script, you shouldn’t need any special measures in the script itself to close files which may have been left open last time ” unless there’s another, faulty script on your system leaving them open, in which case you’ll obviously edit that.


  1. An open access to a file belongs to the application which opened it and only that application can use it. When the application quits, all its open accesses are closed.
  2. There can be several read-only accesses open to the same file at the same time ” belonging to the same application or to several ” each with its own file mark (ie. index into the file). When using ‘open for access’, it’s safer and more efficient to use the returned reference number with the other File Read/Write commands than to use an alias or file specifier. Similarly, only use an alias or file specifier with ‘read’ and ‘write’ if you know the application running the script doesn’t already have the file open for access.
  3. Only one write-permission access can exist to a file at any one time, so it’s vital to close this if it’s accidentally left open.

That’s exactly what my script does… delete the delay part

EDIT: a more simpler but same approach would be

set theFile to (choose file) as string

set myString to stringFromFile(theFile)
if myString = null then
	--second attempt
	set myString to stringFromFile(theFile)
end if

on stringFromFile(theFile)
		set fd to open for access file theFile
		set theContent to read fd as string
		close access fd
	on error
		close access file theFile
		set theContent to null
	end try
	return theContent
end stringFromFile