Trying to make text adventure game

I am trying to make a text adventure game, but for some reason, it doesn’t seem to work! Can anybody tell me what’s going wrong?

Here’s what I’ve got so far.

set LocDescription to "You are standing in a room with doors to your north, south, east, and west."
set location to "c"
set Winner to "0"
set HaveKey to "0"
set HaveBoulder to "0"
set buttonOn to "0"
set death to "0"
	if death is 0 then
		display dialog LocDescription default answer "" buttons {"DO"} default button 1
		display dialog LocDescription buttons {"OK"} default button 1
	end if
	set theThingToDo to the text returned of the result
	if theThingToDo is "north" then
		if location is "c" then
			if HaveKey is "1" then
				set location to "n"
				set LocDescription to "You insert the key into the keyhole, and it opens, allowing you to return to your own world. You win!"
				set Winner to "1"
				set location to "c"
				set LocDescription to "You approach the door to your north. You notice there is a keyhole, but you don't have the key."
			end if
		else if location is "s" then
			if buttonOn is "0" then
				set location to "c"
				set LocDescription to "You are back in the center room. No changes. Sigh..."
				set location to "c"
				set LocDescription to "You are back in the center room, again. However, this time the door to the west is open."
			end if
			set location to "You try to walk north, but you hit a wall."
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "south" then
		if location is "c" then
			set location to "s"
			set LocDescription to "You are standing in a room with a button on the floor."
			set LocDescription to "You try to walk south, but you hit a wall."
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "east" then
		if location is "c" then
			set location to "e"
			set LocDescription to "You are standing in a room with a boulder to the ground."
		else if location is "w" then
			set location to "c"
			set LocDescription to "You are standing in the center room, again. Absolutely no changes whatsoever. It's the same old room."
			set LocDescription to "You try to walk east, but you hit a wall."
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "west" then
		if location is "c" then
			if ButtonPressed is "1" then
				set location to "w"
				set LocDescription to "You are standing in a room with a key on the ground."
				set LocDescription to "You approach the door to the west, but it won't open."
			end if
		else if location is "e" then
			set location to "c"
			set LocDescription to "You are standing in the center room, again. There are no changes."
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "take boulder" then
		if location is "e" then
			set HaveBoulder to "1"
			set LocDescription to "You now have a boulder."
			set LocDescription to "What boulder?"
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "take key" then
		if location is "w" then
			set HaveKey to "1"
			set LocDescription to "You now have a key."
			set LocDescription to "What key?"
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "drop boulder" then
		if HaveBoulder is "1" then
			if location is "s" then
				set ButtonPressed to "1"
				set HaveBoulder to "0"
				set LocDescription to "You drop the boulder on the button. You hear a door open."
				-- easter egg ;)
				set LocDescription to "You drop the boulder, and it lands on your foot.
					You are dead."
				set death to "1"
			end if
			set LocDescription to "What boulder?"
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "drop key" then
		--easter egg ;)
		if HaveKey is "1" then
			set LocDescription to "You don't want to lose the key!"
			set LocDescription to "What key?"
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "push button" then
		if location is "s" then
			set LocDescription to "You push the button, and you hear a door open. You release the button, and the door closes. Nice try, Einstein."
			set LocDescription to "What button?"
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "examine boulder" then
		if HaveBoulder is "1" then
			set LocDescription to "The boulder is fairly ragged. It is also fairly heavy."
			set LocDescription to "What boulder?"
		end if
	else if theThingToDo is "examine key" then
		if HaveKey is "1" then
			set LocDescription to "The key is made of solid gold. It is probably worth a lot of money."
			set LocDescription to "What key?"
		end if
	end if
end repeat
  1. The script intialises death to the text “0”, then immediately tries to quit because death is not the integer 0.

  2. To stop a script, you should use ‘error number -128’, not ‘quit’.

  3. You should allow “Cancel” buttons in your dialogs for the sake of those testing the script for you!