Trying to print all files from folder...

I am trying to print all files from a folder, but only the first four are printed. Is there some problems with my code?

tell application "Finder"
	set the source_folder to choose folder with prompt ¬
		"Pick a folder containing the documents to process:"
	set these_files to every file of folder source_folder
end tell

tell application "Microsoft Word"
	repeat with doc in these_files
		print doc
	end repeat
end tell

Ah… solved it. It appears that the printer could not handle too many calls at such a short time so a simple 3 second delay solved my problems.

tell application "Finder"
	set the source_folder to choose folder with prompt ¬
		"Pick a folder containing the documents to process:"
	set these_files to every file of folder source_folder
end tell

repeat with doc in these_files
	tell application "Microsoft Word"
		print doc
		delay 3
	end tell
end repeat

I’m baffled that Microsoft Word is able to print a Finder file specifier object directly without the step to open the document.