Trying to script a shell cp command....but having problems.

Thanks for looking at my message!

I am trying to do a proof of concept for my notes on how to copy using the shell and cp from Applescript.
When I run the code in Example A, it fails…but Example B, which does not use a variable for the do shell command works fine.

What am I missing?

***** Example A *****

	set mySource to "/Users/myuser/Desktop/tmp/test.txt"
	set myDestination to "/Users/myuser/Desktop/"
	set myCopy to "\"sudo cp -v '" & mySource & "' '" & myDestination & "'\" "
	set myAnswer to do shell script myCopy user name "myuser" password "dodadoda" with administrator privileges
on error
	set myAnswer to "Could not copy file"
end try
display dialog myAnswer

***** Example B *****

	--set mySource to "/Users/myuser/Desktop/tmp/test.txt"
	--set myDestination to "/Users/myuser/Desktop/"
	--set myCopy to "\"sudo cp -v '" & mySource & "' '" & myDestination & "'\" "
	set myAnswer to do shell script "sudo cp -v '/Users/myuser/Desktop/tmp/test.txt'   '/Users/myuser/Desktop/'" user name "myuser" password "dodadoda" with administrator privileges
on error
	set myAnswer to "Could not copy file"
end try
display dialog myAnswer

The problem is not the variables, but the extra double quotes that you are throwing around the command.

“"sudo cp -v '” & mySource & “’ '” & myDestination & "'" " results in the following literal string (underlined) “sudo cp -v ‘/Users/myuser/Desktop/tmp/test.txt’ ‘/Users/myuser/Desktop/’” (including the trailing space). If you typed this in Terminal it would fail too. The double quotes make the shell interpret the entire string (except for the trailing space) as a single ‘word’. Since this is the first ‘word’, the shell looks for a binary (program executable) with that exact name. It is extremely unlikely to find one with that name.

Drop the extra double quotes you are adding.
Do not use sudo with with administrator privileges (TN 2065 “How do I get administrator privileges for a command?”).
Let quoted form of quote your variable arguments (it will do things like properly quote embedded single quotes”this is especially important for security reasons (SQL injection vulnerabilities are a result of a similar problem in SQL)).

	set mySource to "/Users/myuser/Desktop/tmp/test.txt"
	set myDestination to "/Users/myuser/Desktop/"
	set myCopy to "cp -v " & quoted form of mySource & " " & quoted form of myDestination
	set myAnswer to do shell script myCopy user name "myuser" password "dodadoda" with administrator privileges
on error
	set myAnswer to "Could not copy file"
end try
display dialog myAnswer

Thanks Chrys,

I will need to play around with this a bit to be sure that I understand things properly…that way I don’t repeat this same mistake again.

Your solution worked great…and I appreciate your help with this.
