Turning on Bluetooth in Address Book


This question as been asked before (by someone else), but with no replies.
Does anyone have, or know how to write, a script for turning on Bluetooth in the Address Book?


This came up on ericssonclient@yahoogroups.com, where people want to automatically reconnect the Address Book to the phone when the phone comes back in proximity, using Clicker.

This is the recipe I got from that list that I’m currently using:

tell application "System Events"
	if (exists process "Address Book") then
		tell application "Address Book" to quit
	end if
end tell
delay 2
	do shell script "defaults write com.apple.AddressBook ABCheckForPhoneNextTime -boolean true"
	tell application "Address Book" to activate
end try
tell application "Address Book"
	close window 1
end tell