TUTORIAL : Creating an NSTableView that uses random generated records

This is a two part tutorial, it shouldn’t take too long . It consists mostly of screen captures…

Part one consistes of a very brief ( 12 ) image tutorial on how to easily generate records containing random but very realistic and usable test data,in the form of an XML (plist) file. Generating 2000 really nice records is like a five second deal, it is very slick. (I hate not to sound humble, but it is a cool generator), I will probably create another one for randomly generated fictitious Companies, or something else if anybody has any ideas.

Part Two consists of an Xcode Project that contains minimal code, and which uses the data created in step ( 1 ), and the result is a TableView that you can use to sort and search records on the basis of first, or last name.

This tutorial uses Bindings.

Anyway this works very well for me, so I thought I’d share it.


Xcode (item 5)

Let me know if there is a better way, I’m sure there is…

Bill Hernandez
Plano, Texas