Tutorial(s) on AS + MS Word (2011)?

It looks as if there is no tutorial on AS and Word. If I were any good at it I’d offer to start one but as I need to learn it, I’d better not.

Are there any out there anywhere, for Word, or Office 2011?


There is a big reference document out there for word and AppleScript. There should also be some snippets with code here and there if you google.

Good Luck.

Thank you. I’ve found quite a few snippets.

Can you point me to this “big reference document”? I have access to the Word AS dictionary but a good how-to-do-it document would be very valuable.

I did a search for word applescript reference on www.google.co.uk and the 2004 applescript reference came up no.1.


The document above was what I had in mind, I also think that getting a free 30-day trial copy of Script Debugger, and a timeslice of say 2 hours at least for learning it up front, may be very helpful, as you start to script word. I hope you may also find various blog posts out there considering word and Applescript, if you are creative with google.

Good Luck.

I own SD, but you have to admit, the AS dictionary for Word is not exactly a useful how-to-do-it source…


At least SD gives you a lot mileage, in showing you what is going on, and not going on. The other thing is the explorer, where you can get the hierarchy.

The feature I often find useful, is to ask for the properties of some elements, and then traverse the object hierarchy from there (as an alternative to the Dictionary), by clicking through the various properties in the results window.

I do that a lot when I am into something I’m no familiar with. I have no intentions, at the moment to be familar with Word, as it is not something I use a lot, and the whole scripting model is huge. You’ll have to realize, that you will spend some time to familiarize yourself with Word in this respect. Hopefully you are in luck, and figures out what you need, with as little effort as possible.

Ben Waldie wrote one: Introduction to Scripting Microsoft Word in 2007. Don’t know how relevant it would be now. Further, Paul Berkowitz wrote a series for Microsoft Works (Can’t find it but maybe you can). I think it was published originally in MacTech.

I have read a lot of what Ben Waldie has written, and has to this day never experienced any of it to be outdated.

If something was a little bit outdated, then I’m sure that I fixed it fast, because I can’t remember any glitches, and that also holds for big applications like FileMaker Pro: most of the scripting model tends to stick, once it is in place. :slight_smile:

I guess we’ll see a lot more questions about Word And Excel if scriptability in the Apple Product line is discontinued.