unable to delete files on remote machine

I have folder “Himanshu”
I want to delete all files in that folder having extension .txt
I also want to delete same folder in other script fully

Getting err: The item “Himanshu” can’t be moved to the Trash because it can’t be deleted.

property download_path : "afp://Advo:password@"
property server_name : "Himanshu"
on run
    open location download_path
    tell application "Finder"
        delay 0.5
        set download_URL to (server_name) as alias
        set file_downloaded to delete download_URL
        delay 10
        delete download_URL
        delay 5
        eject (server_name as alias)
    end tell
end run  
tell application "Finder"
    do shell script "curl -Q " & quoted form of ("DELE /Test/Himanshu/*.txt") & " ftp://Advo:password@"
end tell