Unable to sleep my computer if my screen saver is password protected .


Why am I unable to put my computer to sleep by script when my screen saver is activated and protected by a password ? Is it possible to bypass this ?

I have a handler that runs in background. It puts my computer to sleep under certain conditions and when left inactive. Very often this background process works behind the screen saver. Because my screen saver is password protected, how can I put it back to sleep by script ?

Thanks in advance.

Robert Lespérance

Found a solution but not the system’s problem !

I created a handler that, on certain conditions, puts my computer to sleep by scripting Power Manager (PM). PM is a great utility that can help you save energy and give more yeqars to your computer hardware. By script, PM can put my computer to sleep even if the screen saver is protected by a password, while “System Events” cannot.

Thanks to Graham Miln of Power Manager.