error "«class cfol» \"Macintosh HD:Users:XXX:Desktop:test:+44:Lance Armstrong_ Run Longer\" of application \"Finder\" kann nicht in Typ Unicode text umgewandelt werden." number -1700 from «class cfol» "Macintosh HD:Users:XXX:Desktop:test:+44:Lance Armstrong_ Run Longer" to Unicode text
the part +44 is created as a folder and within this folder another one (Lance Armstrong: Run Longer) should be created. I managed it to replace the “:” with “_” like it does iTunes. but than the error occurs… i’m not seeing the error…
btw. below you’ll find the replace scpt and the move scpt both are run in one large scpt.
on findAndReplace(tofind, toreplace, TheString)
set ditd to text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to tofind
set textItems to text items of TheString
set text item delimiters to toreplace
if (class of TheString is string) then
set res to textItems as string
else -- if (class of TheString is Unicode text) then
set res to textItems as Unicode text
end if
set text item delimiters to ditd
return res
end findAndReplace
to move_it(file_path, internal_drive, art, alb)
set artistFolder to art as Unicode text
set albumFolder to get findAndReplace(":", "_", alb) as Unicode text
set l_folder to internal_drive as Unicode text
--check if artist & album folder exists
tell application "Finder"
if not (folder (l_folder & artistFolder) exists) then
make new folder at l_folder with properties {name:artistFolder} --create artist folder
if not (folder (l_folder & artistFolder & albumFolder) exists) then
make new folder at l_folder & artistFolder with properties {name:albumFolder} --create album folder
end if
end if
set the finalPath to folder (l_folder & artistFolder & ":" & albumFolder) as Unicode text
duplicate file file_path to folder finalPath with replacing --copy files to album folder
on error eM number eN
display dialog "Error " & eN & return & eM with icon 2
end try
end tell
end move_it
is your script supposed to run on system versions prior to Leopard?
If not you can omit the distinction string / Unicode text.
Since Leopard there is a unique text class in AppleScript called text.
You should always add the specifier keywords item, file or folder in front of a string path
while dealing with Finder items in a Finder tell block.
The location property in iTunes contains an alias specifier therefore omit the keyword file before file_path
on findAndReplace(tofind, toreplace, TheString)
set ditd to text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to tofind
set textItems to text items of TheString
set text item delimiters to toreplace
set res to textItems as text
set text item delimiters to ditd
return res
end findAndReplace
to move_it(file_path, internal_drive, art, alb)
set artistFolder to art -- as Unicode text
set albumFolder to get findAndReplace(":", "_", alb) -- as Unicode text
set l_folder to internal_drive as text
--check if artist & album folder exists
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists folder (l_folder & artistFolder)) then
make new folder at folder l_folder with properties {name:artistFolder} --create artist folder
if not (exists folder (l_folder & artistFolder & ":" & albumFolder)) then
make new folder at folder (l_folder & artistFolder) with properties {name:albumFolder} --create album folder
end if
end if
set the finalPath to folder (l_folder & artistFolder & ":" & albumFolder)
duplicate file_path to finalPath with replacing --copy files to album folder
on error eM number eN
display dialog "Error " & eN & return & eM with icon 2
end try
end tell
end move_it
thx so far!! but now at the following part there is trouble…
set the finalPath to folder (l_folder & artistFolder & ":" & albumFolder)
it says
tell application "Finder"
exists folder "Macintosh HD:Users:XXX:Desktop:test:+44"
--> true
get folder "Macintosh HD:Users:XXX:Desktop:test:+44:Lance Armstrong_ Run Longer:"
--> error number -1728 from folder "Macintosh HD:Users:goeste:Desktop:test:+44:Lance Armstrong_ Run Longer:"
error "žFinder" hat einen Fehler erhalten: žfolder \"Macintosh HD:Users:XXX:Desktop:test:+44:Lance Armstrong_ Run Longer:\"" kann nicht gelesen werden." number -1728 from folder "Macintosh HD:Users:XXX:Desktop:test:+44:Lance Armstrong_ Run Longer:"
the ‘Lance Armstrong’ folder is not being created…
if the folder +44 exists the part to create the sub folder will never be called.
Use this
if not (exists folder (l_folder & artistFolder)) then
make new folder at folder l_folder with properties {name:artistFolder} --create artist folder
end if
if not (exists folder (l_folder & artistFolder & ":" & albumFolder)) then
make new folder at folder (l_folder & artistFolder) with properties {name:albumFolder} --create album folder
end if