Update note & email address of Address Book Person


the idea is to
1- select records from a database (FrontBase in my case) returning a list of persons (got that part)

2- check if name/firstname/organization combination exists
something like :

tell application "Address Book"
	set listpersons to (every person whose last name is equal to cnaam and first name is equal to cfirstname and organization is equal to corganization)
	if (count of listpersons) is 0 then
		set thisperson to (make new person with properties {first name:cfirstname, last name:clastname, organization:corganization, note:ccreationdate})
		tell thisperson to make new email at end of emails with properties {label:clabel, value:cemailaddress}
		-- if it exists, to update note with the date or even updating changed e-mail address ...
		-- listpersons always 1 in the list in this case,  always 1 office e-mail address
		repeat with thisperson in listpersons
			tell thisperson
				set note to "Updated " & cmodificationdate -- how to update this property ?
				set listphones to phones
				repeat with thisphone in listphones
					set value of thisphone to ctelephone
				end repeat
			end tell
		end repeat
	end if
end tell