I just upgraded from Snow Leopard (10.6.8) to Mavericks (10.9) and have a script that while it runs okay, will not compile in the Applescript Editor.
on run
tell application "Finder"
set sourcePath to choose folder with prompt "Please select SOURCE folder:"
set savePath to choose folder with prompt "Please select DESTINATION folder:"
set fileList to (files of entire contents of sourcePath) as alias list
end tell
repeat until fileList = {}
set FilePath to item 1 of fileList as alias
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
open FilePath
save document 1 in FilePath as TIFF with options {class:TIFF save options, byte order:IBM PC, image compression:LZW} appending lowercase extension
close document 1
end tell
set fileList to rest of fileList
end repeat
end run
I get a Syntax Error which says "Expected end of line, etc. but found “{”.
Any thoughts?