urgently need help with a simple applescript

hello all,
i new to this forum, and to applescript… so help is very much appreciate…
i have a mac that is always on [a server] i want to it to launch an application everyday at 7:30 am and close it at 7:30pm… i really don’t know how to do it and i guess its very simple… the this is that i just want it to run once and for all not everyday run the script…
this is what i came up with but the thing in this is that i need to rerun this code everyday… please check it out…

	set the theDate to the current date
	if (time string of theDate) = "7:30:00 am" then
		tell application "QuickMail Pro"
		end tell
	end if
	if (time string of theDate) = "7:30:00 pm" then
		tell application "QuickMail Pro"
                     set the theDate to the current date
		end tell
	end if
end repeat

thanks in advance guys,

You could save this as stay-open app, and add it to your login-items:

global delayTime

set delayTime to 5 * 60 --> eg, check every 5 minutes

on idle
	if delayTime is not (5 * 60) then
		quit app "QuickMail Pro"
	end if
	set c to current date
	if (hours of c) is 7 and (minutes of c) is 30 then
		launch app "QuickMail Pro"
		set delayTime to 12 * 3600 --> come after 12 hours
	end if
	return delayTime
end idle

NOTE: Or, if you have more tasks, you could use iCal for all your schedule-applescript needs.

thanks jj for the help,
but can u explain for me a bit what does delayTime exactly do? and how is it used :s why do u put it 5*60 and the 12 * 3600?? andhow does it afect the code?

Hi psycho-ed,

In addition to JJ’s script, as another suggestion, you could execute a cron too.

The only thing about crons on the mac is you have to be careful and not allow your machine [or drive] go to sleep.


The “idle” handler will be executed every “delayTime” seconds. The first time, we will check every 5 minutes (5 * 60 seconds) if it’s time to launch the app. When it is, we will increase “delayTime” to 12 hours (12 * 3600 seconds). So, the next time the “idle” is executed (12 hours later), we will simply quit and blah.

Same thing applies to applescripts :smiley:

10x for the help guys,
but jj’s code is not working i tried it :confused:
and what iss with the sleep thing?? does this mean if the cpu stops working then the apple script terminates?

I did not know that if the machine sleeps a applescript wouldn’t run. I figured [especially if they were running] they would still work.

On the other hand, if you have a cron set up and the mac has gone to sleep, the system won’t run them. That said, there are alternative solutions which prevent this from happening though …

As our server [itself] is monitorless, we don’t allow the hard drive, or the screensaver, energy saver, etc to run.


That’s why OS X included the option to wake-up computers at scheduled times (check the calendar option in the Energy Saver panel), or why utilities like iBeeZz exist (or existed).

What is your OS, psycho-ed? (maybe the “hours of” and “minutes of” thing is not working in your system → as this post is in the Mac OS forum)

Cron was deprecated in Tiger in favour of launchd, which has an Anacron-like “run at next available opportunity” behaviour (as seen in the periodic logs).

jj my OS is 10.3.9 shouldn’t it work on it? :confused:
10x guys a lot…

I think it should…

The error must be a very large amount of time in the first delay: it checks every five minutes, good enough to skip the minute 30. Simply adjust where you see “5 * 60” to “50” (for example), so it won’t skip minute 30.

10x again jj,
but i have thaught of that earlier and i have adjusted the 5*60 to just 5 and yet it did not work…
hope u can help more,

i’ve checked it out, what is not working is the “on idle” please check it out and advise me what to do…
please check the code on ur machine on any other appication, u’ll c that it is not working even if u set the time delay to 1…
thanks for the help,

Did you save as “stay-open” application?

nope, i didn’t…:rolleyes:
i just did and it works thanks a lot jj :smiley:
laterz guys

jj one last question,
will the script work on system 9.0.4?:confused:

I think it should work.


is there a way [a place] where i can put that script and it will start automatically on startup?

System Prefs > Accounts > Startup

And this is the programatically way (didn’t test since a long time ago):

tell application "System Events" to ¬
	make login item at end with properties {path:POSIX path of (choose file), hidden:false}

NOTE: I think it’s “choose file” instead “POSIX path of (choose file)” in Tiger. Not sure in Panther.