Hey all 
If anyone can answer this i really owe them one! I will give a credit to them too!
Ok here it is:
on launched theObject
on error
save() set firstrun to true
end try
if firstrun is true then
save() set firstrun to false
end if
end on
You are great if you can do that! (if that seems to complex, insted you can try to explain to me in dumbest terms how to use UD)
Thanks a million in advance 
here are some simple routines I’m using .
You must make sure, that save_Preferences() will be executed before quitting
property first_run : true
on will finish launching theObject
if first_run is true then
set first_run to false
end if
end will finish launching
on clean_user_settings()
-- set a few varaibles to a certain value
end clean_user_settings
on register_Preferences()
tell user defaults
make new default entry at end of default entries with properties {name:"first_run", contents:1}
end tell
end register_Preferences
on read_Preferences()
tell user defaults
set first_run to contents of default entry "first_run" as boolean
end tell
return true
on error errorText number errorNumber
log "Error reading the user defaults."
log " Error " & errorNumber & ": " & errorText
return false
end try
end read_Preferences
on save_Preferences()
tell user defaults
set contents of default entry "first_run" to (first_run as integer)
end tell
return true
on error errorText number errorNumber
log "Could not synchronize user defaults."
log " Error " & errorNumber & ": " & errorText
return false
end try
end save_Preferences
on will quit theObject
end will close
thanks, but i couldnt get it to work 
could you please incorporate it into my example so i canget an idea of how to use it?
in your example it’s like
on launched theObject
if first_run is true then
end if
end launched
the structure is the following:
¢ at the beginning define the property first_run (oder which name do you want)
¢ in the launching routine the register_Preferences() handler defines the key in the .plist file and the read_Preferences() handler reads the value(s)
¢ in the closing or quitting routine the save_Preferences() writes the current value(s) back to disk
Note: If the key is already defined register_Preferences() does nothing
at the very beggining or in the handler?
What do u mean my if the key os already defined?
of course at the beginning of the script, properties can only defined at the top level of a script (or script object)
The definition of an simple entry in a .plist file is key for the name of the variable and value for its value.
register_Preferences() defines a simple entry {key:“first_run”, value:1}. If the key already exists, the value won’t be changed
Is 1 true and 0 false?
Thanks heaps!
It works great BUT it just sets first_run to false straight up, it never gives it a run with it set to true. But it does work, i tweaked the pref file and it does what i want. Do you know why this is?
(PS. With my apps identifyer thingee, can it be anything? at the moment it is com.cns.dashtop is that valid?)
Great! I just found the problem, thanks anyway!
Please reply if you want me to put a special thanks on any app i use it in