Just wondering (as I start to play with Automator) if someone has a simple example of how to read parameters of files dropped onto an Automator workflow app?
I want to be able to drag n drop a folder/directory (CD, DVD, etc) onto my saved Automator app icon, and have all the file names be passed into my workflow.
Found a simple example of doing this using Applescript & was wondering if its as easy in Automator…
Wow, that was simple! 
I’m soooo used to trying to get things to work on Windoze (I know), that I assumed it would require some jumping through hoops to get that working.
Here’s a simple way to handle this in Automator:
Add a “Run Applescript” action to your new workflow
Put this code in it:
on run {input, parameters}
repeat with i in input
display dialog (i as text)
end repeat
return input
end run
Save as Application.
Drag and drop some files (or folders) onto the Apps icon! Works great. (a bit more processing to pick out files in sub folders, etc and this would be a great action).
Browser: Firefox 1.0.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)